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Powers and regulations
The Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings are the forum in which the shareholders resolve corporate issues using the procedures and in the areas provided for by law and the By-laws. More specifically, the Ordinary Meeting has the power to appoint and remove Directors, Statutory Auditors and the audit firm, establishing their compensation, and to approve the Company's financial statements. An Extraordinary Meeting is necessary to approve amendments to the By-laws and extraordinary operations, such as capital increases, mergers and demergers.

Furthermore, pursuant art. 13 of the By-laws, the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting resolves in relation to the activities of BancoPosta on all matters as specifically provided by the Supervisory Regulations and the Regulations of the BancoPosta Segregated Assets.

Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings must be called at least once a year, within 180 days of the close of the financial year, to approve the financial statements, given that Poste Italiane is required to draw up consolidated financial statements. The exact date is announced to investors in the financial calendar, which is usually published in December each year.

The Shareholders’ Meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

In order to allow for the orderly and functional implementation of Shareholders’ Meetings and to guarantee the right of each shareholder to take the floor with regards to topics under discussion, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved the Shareholders’ Meeting Regulations on July 31, 2015, provided hereafter.