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Scouting and DealFlow

Startup and innovation solution scuoting

Scouting DealFlow We have a rigorous process of startup selection and qualification with a scouting that takes place both in push mode (i.e.Venture Capital / Investments Banking portfolio reviews) and pull mode (i.e.Networking with Accelerators, Research Centers and Universities). The aim is providing to our colleagues the solutions coherently with shared business needs.

The Dealflow is structured as follows:
  • Startup scouting from Open Innovation Programs and from VC Funds/Investors portfolio
  • Identification of startups with potential interest
  • In-depth exploration with desk analysis as well as one to one meetings
  • Proposal of the startups to the Business Units / Group Companies
  • In case of a positive outcome (GO), proceede with different collaborative scenarios such as a Proof of Concept (PoC),  Partnership or an M&A operation
Furthermore, on a semi-annual basis, we interview the Business Units / Group Companies to collect and update their needs in terms of Innovation and follow-up with startup scouting on innovative solutions at national and international level.

Current main interesting topics are following:
  • Financial Services - personalized consultancy, evolution of the service model in platform logic (self driven), mass market lending, new services for SMEs, evolution of the lead generation model, sales and customer profiling
  • Payments - new digital payment methods (Wallet, € Digital,..), development of acquiring offers for SMEs
  • Telco - infrastructure evolution towards 5G, e-sim
  • Energy - evolution of services in the field of eMobility and sustainability
  • Insurance - innovation of offers and processes in the Health sector, innovation of Property offers (cyber, NAT CAT..), lifecycle offers dedicated to the elderly segment, SME Digital Insurance
  • Parcels and Logistics - reskilling of the letter carrier network, lastmile logistics innovation in a green logic, innovation and optimization of the distribution network, development of the contract logistics business and role of end-to-end logistics player
  • Commercial Network - authentication, selling and marketing digital tools, business and customer analytics, customer engagement, in store communication
  • Human Resources - employee journey and experience, innovative training, data driven analytics
  • Customer Support Services - conversational and visual AI, CX analytics, customer sentiment analysis
  • Cyber ​​security - cryptography, cloud storage safety, cyber insurance.
We constantly monitor the most innovative trends both in terms of business and technology in order to carry out benchmarks and analyze competitors, in partnership with the innovation ecosystem. We also monitor the Idea generation and incubation, the scouting funnel and the development of Poste Italiane startup dealflow.