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With 119,000 employees throughout the country, Poste Italiane is an integral part of Italy’s socio-economic landscape. Since our founding, we have significantly contributed to the country’s social and economic growth, charting a path of continuous progress, always with an eye on the future.

We hold strong leadership positions in the logistics, financial, insurance, and payment services sectors. With an increasingly integrated, sustainable, and comprehensive offering of physical and digital products and services, we are the platform that connects people, businesses, and the wider national system.   

Our Impact in Numbers

Our activities generate significant economic and social impact, with ripple effects that benefit the entire system. For instance, in 2023, every euro spent by Poste on goods and services generated three euros of economic value for the country. Thanks to the contributions of our people, we create value for society. 
€13.7 billion 197,000 6,700 €400 million
Impact on GDP 2023 Jobs supported in Italy Recruits under the age of 30 in the three years 2021-2023 Poste’s investment in the Polis Project to enhance economic, social, and territorial cohesion

Data as of 31 December 2023


Relations with Local Communities

Support for social and economic development is one of the pillars of our sustainability strategy. With our unrivalled operation throughout country, we work closely with local communities every day, accelerating modernisation and digitalisation while delivering tangible benefits for citizens and businesses. 

The Polis Projectis our most important initiative for enhancing local communities, aimed at fostering economic, social, and territorial cohesion, while also helping to bridge the digital divide in small towns and rural areas. 

The project has two key components: 
  • Sportello Unico”: a one-stop shop designed to simplify life for citizens in smaller towns by facilitating access to online public administration services via post offices.
  • Spazi per l’Italia”: an initiative to create the country’s largest, most widespread, digitalised, accessible network of immediately available co-working spaces.
The Polis Project operates in an area with approximately 40 million residents. We estimate that in its first six years, the initiative will generate a total positive impact of €380 million for society and the environment, €348 million through improved road safety, reduced traffic, and shorter waiting times, and €32 million from a reduction in polluting emissions. The total estimated impact from the investment over the three-years 2022-2026 and the operations of post offices until 2031 will amount to a contribution of €1.061 billion to GDP contribution and €484 million in distributed income, through the 18,600 jobs created.

Sustainability and Innovation

We are a point of reference for millions of customers, and we are firmly committed to ecological transition, a challenge that is at the centre of our strategic plan. Specifically, we are working across all our business areas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030

In the same way, we are helping to drive the country’s development through continuous innovation in our services and products. We are actively supporting Italy’s digitalisation process with an omnichannel strategy that simplifies interactions between citizens and the public administration.

Our National Footprint

Our extensive network covers between 93% and 100% of Italian municipalities in the various regions. We provide innovative, transparent, and user-friendly services to private individuals, businesses, and numerous public entities in order to improve the lives of citizens and boost the competitiveness of companies. 


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