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Raffaele Cestaro Mail, Logistics and Communication Services

Raffaele Cestaro Born in Rome, in 1971. Married with one son.

Scientific course of study completed with a degree in Business and Economics at “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

He started his professional career in the management consulting company Business Value, holding roles of increasing responsibility in strategic-advisory and business-process-reengineering projects for large companies in the banking and public-administration sectors.

In 2000, he joined the consulting firm Ernst & Young in the Financial & Business Advisors division, where he led teams for major corporate turnaround projects for large companies in the logistics, real-estate and banking sectors.

In 2004, he joined the Poste Italiane Group as Head of Accounting in the Finance area of the BancoPosta division, in 2011 he became Head of the Finance area of the Postal Communication and Logistics division, and in 2019 he took on the role of Head of Group Planning and Control.

He has also held positions on the boards of directors of various Poste Group investee companies: member of the board of directors of Postepay, chairman and member of the board of directors of Nexive, member of the board of directors of the airline company Poste Air Cargo, member of the board of directors of the Hong Kong-based company Sengi Express, member of the board of directors of Consorzio Logistica e Pacchi and member of the board of directors of Sourcesense.
Since January 2024, he is Head of the Postal Communication and Logistics Business Unit.


Shareholdings held in Poste Italiane