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Poste Italiane: execution of a Shareholders’ Agreement with the Caltagirone group in view of the next Anima Holding S.p.A.’s Shareholders’ Meeting Poste Italiane S.p.A. (“Poste Italiane”) informs that a shareholders’ agreement (the “Agreement”) pursuant to art. 122 of the Unified Financial Act – to which all the shares held by the parties in Anima Holding S.p.A. (the "Issuer") have been conferred – has been executed. The Agreement concerns (i) the presentation, by Poste Italiane, of a list of no. 3 candidates, less than half of the directors to be elected, for the renewal of the Issuer's administrative body, and (ii) the voting in favour of such list by both the subjects adherents to the Agreement.

Rome, 24 Feb 2023 19:57

Poste Italiane S.p.A. (“Poste Italiane”) informs that a shareholders’ agreement (the “Agreement”) pursuant to art. 122 of the Unified Financial Act – to which all the shares held by the parties in Anima Holding S.p.A. (the "Issuer") have been conferred – has been executed. The Agreement concerns (i) the presentation, by Poste Italiane, of a list of no. 3 candidates, less than half of the directors to be elected, for the renewal of the Issuer's administrative body, and (ii) the voting in favour of such list by both the subjects adherents to the Agreement.
For any further and more information, please refer to the extract of the Agreement and the related essential information pursuant to article 130 of the Consob Issuers' Regulation, which will be published according to the methods, forms and terms established by law.
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