2023 Environmental Data Overview
Internal Group energy consumption*
2021 |
2022 |
2023** |
Consumption of fuel from non-renewable sources (GJ) |
2,516,482 |
2,314,992 |
2,002,884 |
Of which: |
LPG (GJ) |
29,264 |
13,692 |
7,275 |
Diesel (GJ) |
720,765 |
450,907 |
297,584 |
Natural gas (GJ)** |
831,068 |
723,860 |
617,866 |
Jet fuel (GJ) |
664,375 |
682,129 |
546,389 |
Petrol (GJ) |
271,011 |
444,335 |
533,770 |
Consumption of energy from non-renewable sources (GJ) |
53,140 |
30,037 |
46,623 |
Of which: |
Thermal energy (district heating) (GJ) |
25,677 |
23,308 |
26,071 |
Electricity supplied by the National Grid (GJ) |
27,464 |
6,729 |
20,552 |
Consumption of energy from renewable sources (GJ) |
1,588,317 |
1,570,291 |
1,485,592 |
Of which: |
Self-produced photovoltaic electricity (GJ) |
7,145 |
9,032 |
22,554 |
Certified guarantee of origin electricity (GJ) |
1,581,172 |
1,561,258 |
1,463,038 |
Total energy consumption (GJ) |
4,157,939 |
3,915,250 |
3,535,100 |
Of which: |
from renewable sources (GJ) |
1,588,317 |
1,570,291 |
1,485,592 |
from non-renewable sources (GJ) |
2,569,623 |
2,344,959 |
2,049,507 |
(*) The 2023 reporting boundary includes the Parent Company and Group companies.
(**) The target set for 2023 is 1,500,000 GJ (416,667 MWh) for total energy from renewable sources (internal and external) and 5,800,000 GJ (1,487,764 MWh) for total energy from non-renewable sources (internal and external)
Total direct GHG emissions (Scope 1); Total indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2); Total other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3)*
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Direct emissions – Scope 1 (tCO2e)* |
165,508 |
152,703 |
130,592 |
Of which: |
LPG (tCO2e) |
1,872 |
876 |
464 |
Diesel (tCO2e) |
50,384 |
32,102 |
21,006 |
Natural gas (tCO2e)**** |
46,872 |
40,661 |
34,801 |
Jet fuel (tCO2e) |
48,142 |
49,489 |
39,630 |
Petrol (tCO2e) |
18,238 |
29,575 |
34,690 |
Indirect emissions – Scope 2 (tCO2e)** |
5,709 |
2,860 |
4,972 |
Of which: |
Thermal energy |
2,211 |
2,007 |
2,362 |
Electricity |
3,498 |
853 |
2,610 |
Direct emissions – Scope 3 (tCO2e)*** |
178,737 |
257,796 |
234,326 |
Of which: |
Diesel (tCO2e) |
162,392 |
238,359 |
216,411 |
Natural Gas |
4 |
40 |
45 |
Petrol |
0 |
0 |
2,064 |
8.1 |
10.3 |
10.6 |
Jet fuel (tCO2e) |
16,333 |
19,387 |
15,796 |
(*) The 2023 reporting boundary includes the Parent Company and Group companies.
(**) Emission factors used for conversion of fuels to CO2e: LPG for 2021 1.56 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2021), for 2022 1.56 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2022) and for 2023 1.56 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2023). Diesel for 2021 2.51 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2021), for 2022 2.56 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2022) and for 2023 2.51 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2023). Natural Gas for 2021 2.02 kg CO2 e/m3 (source DEFRA 2021), for 2022 2.02 kg CO2 e/m3 (source DEFRA 2022) and for 2023 2.04 kg CO2 e/m3 (source DEFRA 2023). Petrol for 2021 2.19 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2021), for 2022 2.16 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2022) and for 2023 2.1 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2023). The target set for 2023 is 135,000 tCO2 e.
(***) Poste Italiane purchases certificates of renewable origin for 99% of its electricity consumption. The GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards envisage two calculation methods for Scope 2 emissions – the location-based method and the market-based method. The Market-based method (methodology used by Poste Italiane) is based on CO2 emitted by the energy suppliers from whom the organisation purchases, through a contract, electricity (in this case, certificates of guarantee of origin from renewable energy sources) and for the remaining 1% emission factors from the national electricity grid (emission factor for the calculation of the Market-based method for 2023 0.457 kg CO2 e/kWh, source European Residual Mixes 2022, for 2022 0.457 kg CO2 e/kWh, source European Residual Mixes 2021, for 2021 0.459 kg CO2 e/kWh, source European Residual Mixes 2020). Conversion factors used to convert thermal energy into CO2e: for 2021, 0.17 Kg CO2 e/kWh, for 2022, 0.17 Kg CO2 e/kWh and for 2023, 0.18 Kg CO2 e/kWh. The target set for 2023 is 5,000 tCO2 e.
The Location-based method, on the other hand, is based on average emission factors for regional, sub-national or national power generation. Applying the Location-based the total Group emissions of Scope 2 in 2021 117,630 tCO2 and in 2022 109,022 tCO2e and in 2023 123,233 tCO2e. Emission factors used for Location-based method calculation: for 2021 0.258 kgCO2e/kWh (source: Emission factor of electric consumption processed by ISPRA 2021, referred to year 2020), for 2022 0.246 kgCO2e/kWh (source: Electricity consumption emission factor processed by ISPRA 2022, referred to year 2021), for 2023 0.293 kgCO2e/kWh (source: Electricity consumption emission factor processed by ISPRA 2023, referred to year 2022). Values for 2021-2022 have been updated following a refinement of the reporting system.
(****) Emission factors used for conversion of fuels to CO2e: Jet fuel for 2021 2.55 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2021), for 2022 2.55 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2022) and for 2023 2.54 kg CO2 e/l (source DEFRA 2023). The target set for 2023 is 250,000 tCO2e. The table considers categories related to material issues relevant to the Group under the Green Transition Pillar strategy, specifically category 9 "Downstream transportation and distribution" and category 13 "Downstream leased assets." Category 6 "Business travel," category 7 "Employee commuting" and category 15 "Investments" are monitored and reported in separate tables.
Waste generated, Waste recovered, Waste disposed of*
2021 |
2022(**) |
2023 |
Waste by tipe (t) |
Waste generated |
Waste recovered |
Waste disposed |
Waste generated |
Waste recovered(***) |
Waste disposed(****) |
Waste generated |
Waste recovered(***) |
Waste disposed(****) |
Total waste (t) |
34,471.7 |
33,202.2 |
1,269.2 |
37,245.3 |
36,443.2 |
802.1 |
38,904.5 |
38,533.1 |
371.4 |
Of which: |
Paper/cardboard |
13,584.9 |
13,539.2 |
45.8 |
15,588.5 |
15,467.8 |
125.2 |
17,171.5 |
17,171.5 |
0 |
Plastic |
1,359.3 |
1,359.3 |
0 |
1,282.4 |
1,282.4 |
0 |
1,365.5 |
1,365.5 |
0 |
Wood |
10,481.8 |
10,478.2 |
3.6 |
10,097.9 |
10,097.9 |
0 |
10,537.3 |
10,537.3 |
0 |
Other |
9,045.8 |
7,825.9 |
1,219.8 |
10,276.5 |
9,595.2 |
676.9 |
9,830.2 |
9,458.8 |
371,4 |
(*) The figures for the quantity of waste produced are provided by the companies that provide waste management services.
(**) The 2022 values have been updated following a refinement of the reporting system.
(***) The target expected for 2023 with respect to recovered waste is 36,000 tonnes.
(****) The target set for 2023 in relation to waste sent to disposal (landfill, incinerated and other types of disposal) is 500 tonnes.
2021 |
2022(*) |
2023 |
Total weight of hazardous waste recovered (t) |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
Preparation for reuse |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Recycling |
0 |
364.4 |
0 |
247.8 |
0 |
150.5 |
Other recovery operations |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
0 |
364.4 |
0 |
9247.8 |
0 |
150.5 |
Total hazardous waste recovered |
364.3 |
924.8 |
150.5 |
(*) The 2022 values have been updated following a refinement of the reporting system.
2021 |
2022(*) |
2023 |
Total weight of non-hazardous waste recovered (t) |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
Preparation for reuse |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Recycling |
0 |
32,838.2 |
0 |
35,518.4 |
0 |
38,382.61 |
Other recovery operations |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
0 |
32,838.2 |
0 |
35,518.4 |
0 |
38,382.61 |
Total weight of non-hazardous waste recovered (t) |
32,838.2 |
35,518.4 |
38,382.61 |
(*) The 2020 and 2021 values have been updated following a refinement of the reporting system.
2021 |
2022(****) |
2023 |
Total weight of hazardous waste disposed of (t) |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
Disposal in landfill |
0 |
99.3 |
0 |
3.0 |
0 |
7.4 |
Incinerated |
0 |
0.3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Other types of disposal |
0 |
36.1 |
0 |
41.3 |
0 |
22.9 |
Total |
0 |
135.8 |
0 |
44.3 |
0 |
30.3 |
Total hazardous waste disposed of |
135.8 |
44.3 |
30.31 |
2021 |
2022(****) |
2023 |
Total weight of non-hazardous waste disposed of (t) |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
On site |
Off site |
Disposal in landfill |
0 |
616.6 |
0 |
358.6 |
0 |
214.1 |
Incinerated |
0 |
0.01 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Other types of disposal |
0 |
516.8 |
0 |
399.2 |
0 |
127 |
Total |
0 |
1,133.4 |
0 |
757.8 |
0 |
341 |
Total non-hazardous waste disposed of |
1,133.4 |
757.8 |
341.1 |
(**) The target expected for 2023 with respect to the total amount of waste for disposal (hazardous and non-hazardous) is 300 tonnes.
(**) The target expected for 2023 with respect to the total amount of waste for disposal by incineration (hazardous and non-hazardous) is 0.1 tonnes.
(***) The target expected for 2023 with respect to the total amount of waste for disposal through forms other than landfilling and incineration (hazardous and non-hazardous) is 200 tonnes.
(****) The 2022 values have been updated following a refinement of the reporting system.