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Poste Italiane confirms its commitment to supporting local communities by overseeing the implementation of modernisation and digitalisation processes aimed at increasing the well-being of citizens and the socio-economic development of the territory. The Group is dedicated to promoting organic and widespread social inclusion initiatives on a daily basis, with the aim of creating a positive impact in the context in which it operates. Through an inclusive approach and constant dialogue with citizens, institutions and Third Sector associations at local and national level, the Group is committed to achieving this goal by exploiting the ubiquity of Post Offices and developing high quality products and services. Moreover, through an ongoing process of listening to and reconciling the legitimate interests of the community, the Company focuses its attention on the most vulnerable. The latter, due to particular physical, mental, family, economic, ethnic or social conditions, receive more support and consideration.
Poste Italiane is aware that listening, dialogue and the active participation of citizens are at the basis of the construction of a path of shared value creation with the territory, with a view to continuity and reconciliation of relative and legitimate interests.
In making investments for the benefit of the community, the Group operates in full compliance with the principles of integrity and transparency, in line with the provisions of the Code of Ethics and consistent with the values defined within the Group's guidelines. The methods with which Poste Italiane provides contributions by way of sponsorship and donations in favour of partners, bodies, associations and institutions operating in the area are defined by a specific "Sponsorships and Donations" procedure, which regulates the organisational measures, aimed at avoiding any possible conflict of interest. Requests for sponsorship and donations are received by the relevant departments through a dedicated platform with an online form published on Poste Italiane's institutional website and are then assessed by the Sponsorship and Liberal Donations Committee, which is chaired by an external Chair with high requirements of professionalism, honourableness and independence. Furthermore, in order to proceed with the disbursement of the contribution, an assessment is also made regarding the consistency of the initiative with the contractual content, the regular performance of the activities and the correct execution of the contractual obligations.
For these reasons, Poste Italiane is committed on a daily basis to guide local communities in their modernisation and digitalisation processes and to contribute to their economic and social progress.

Relations with communities are indeed a pillar of the inclusive approach adopted by the Company in the belief that looking at the needs and priorities of communities allows it to meet the social needs expressed directly through its business model.

Poste Italiane believes that listening, dialogue and active participation of citizens are the foundations for building a relationship that leads along a path of value creation and sharing with local communities, with a view to ensure continuity of and reconciliation of related and legitimate interests.

For this reason, the Company has adopted a structured process of stakeholder engagement that provides for continuous dialogue with all its partners and with those subjects who are influenced by its activities and whose contribution makes it possible to achieve the Company's objective of creating value in the long term.

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