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At Poste Italiane, we believe that employee well-being is essential. That’s why we are constantly working to improve the quality of life for our people and their loved ones, ensuring a healthy work-life balance. As a Group, we have progressively strengthened our commitment to care responsibilities, reinforcing our welfare system and disseminating a strong corporate culture through initiatives designed for employees and their families. Increasing attention is also being given to personalised care, the work-life balance, the support and growth of the young generations, protection for vulnerable individuals, and fostering a greater sense of belonging and corporate identity.

Our Corporate Welfare System

The needs of individuals and the well-being of our entire workforce are the cornerstone of our corporate welfare system. We consider the whole person, going beyond the workplace to include their personal lives and their social, family, and territorial context. 

By listening and valuing individual contributions, we engage and firmly support all our employees in achieving shared goals together. We firmly believe that only by fostering a positive, inclusive, and engaging workplace can our people achieve a positive impact for themselves, Poste Italiane, and all our stakeholders. 

Our Welfare Services, Projects, and Initiatives in Different Areas