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Paolo Gencarelli

Real Estate

He graduated in Civil Engineering from the University “La Sapienza” of Rome and obtained an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

After an initial experience in consultancy at Bain & Company, he joined the Capitalia Group as Head of the Real Estate Area and, following the merger with the Unicredit Group, he became Managing Director of Unicredit Real Estate and later Head of Group Real Estate & Supply Chain, extending his responsibilities to the purchasing, cost management and IT demand management areas.

In July 2017 he joined Poste Italiane and after a period as Purchasing Manager he is currently Group Real Estate Manager with the task of managing, rationalising and enhancing the real estate assets of the Poste Italiane Group.
Information regarding any shareholding can be found here. Please note, not all relevant person are in possession of share, or have made share transactions.