Our stakeholder
With the aim of contributing to the creation of shared value for the Company and all its stakeholders, Poste Italiane also integrates into its Sustainability Strategy the needs expressed by those directly and indirectly involved in the Group's activities. Consideration of stakeholders' requests allows the Group to maintain a relationship of trust and transparency in the social and economic context in which it operates and, at the same time, strengthen its reputation.
In order to identify all the stakeholders who influence or are in turn influenced by the process of achieving the Group's strategic objectives, Poste Italiane has conducted a thorough mapping of the categories of stakeholders with whom it interacts in the course of its activities, in accordance with the AA1000-Stakeholder Engagement International Standard (SES). The analysis enabled the identification of seven macro-categories of stakeholders, namely: Shareholders and Investors, Local Communities (trade associations, media, academia), Customers (consumer associations), Entities and Institutions (regulators, Fondimpresa), Suppliers (business partners), Personnel (Poste Italiane people, trade unions) and the Environment.
The latter are shown in the following table, which indicates the main methods of engagement and communication related to each of them.
Stakeholder Category |
Principal engagement methods |
Shareholders and investor |
Shareholders’ meetings; Corporate Governance Report; financial reports and periodic presentations; roadshows and dedicated meetings; the Company’s corporate website; press releases. |
Customers |
Customer experience systems; periodic customer satisfaction surveys. |
Personnel |
Internal communication tools (Intranet, newsletters, mailing list, Postenews, etc.); internal and external events for staff; periodic meetings; first- and second-level bargaining; periodic statisfactions surveys. |
Suppliers and Business Partner |
Dedicated meetings. |
Entities and Institutions |
Conferences; dedicated meetings; corporate communication; periodic communications; organisation of events. |
Local Communities |
Community projects; partnerships; press releases; sponsorships; donations; dialogue with local authorities; contacts during the launch of relevant projects, publication of documents, interviews, events. |
Environment |
Press releases; dedicated events; partnerships; collaborations; conferences. |
The Multistakeholder Forum 2023

The seventh edition of the Multistakeholder Forum, live streamed in order to ensure the widest possible participation, was attended by around 1,400 stakeholders, over 300 more than the previous year, and represented an important opportunity to exchange views with the Group's main stakeholders on strategies, sustainable development issues and the integration of these within the Company's projects defined in the Strategic Plan.
During the event, participants took part in four focus groups related to the eight Pillars of Sustainability, as shown in the image below. In particular, the first Focus Group, mainly addressed to Employees, explored the "People Development" and "Diversity and Inclusion" Pillars; the second Focus Group, mainly addressed to Suppliers and Business Partners, Entities and Institutions, Community and Territory and Environment, focused on the "Integrity and Transparency", "Green Transition" and "Creating value for the country" Pillars; the third Focus Group, conducted in English and aimed mainly at Suppliers and Business Partners, Shareholders and Investors, focused exclusively on the "Sustainable Finance" Pillar, in order to examine the issue of integrating ESG factors within the Group's insurance and investment policies; the fourth Focus Group, aimed at Customers, focused on the "Customer experience" and "Innovation" Pillars.
Participants in the Forum shared their opinions on material issues for the Company through a digital application accessible from smartphones and PCs that enabled the instant display of the results.
Eight pillars of sustainability

The results of the process of engagement with the Group's main stakeholders showed that impacts related to the following issues were more relevant: Innovation and digitisation of products, services and processes, Protection of human rights in the Company, Support for the socio-economic development of the territory and Equal opportunities in career paths from an inside-out perspective; Innovation and digitisation of products, services and processes, Quality and customer experience, Staff training and development and Financial inclusion based on an outside-in approach.