Poste Italiane recognises the importance that it itself assumes in terms of capillarity within the territory in which it operates. As a result, the Group is committed to reducing its environmental impact, steering the country's economy towards a low-carbon transition.
Given the potential economic implications arising from risks related to climate change, the Group adopts a responsible approach in carrying out its activities. This commitment is in line with the new edition of the "Global Risks Report" published by the World Economic Forum in January 2024. The paper tracks perceptions of global risks among industry experts and world leaders at various levels, examining them in five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, social and technological. The report illustrates that the top four global risks to be addressed over the next decade are all environmental. To the side is the ranking of the "5 Top Global Risks" identified in the report

In compliance with the main regulatory developments and in response to the growing requests of the financial community and main stakeholders, Poste Italiane provides information regarding climate change following the sectors defined by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, Metrics and Objectives. The TCFD, established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), published a set of recommendations to assist companies in reporting on the risks and opportunities that climate change may pose to corporate performance, in a transparent and comprehensive manner.