The climate in our company is stimulating, triggering motivation and engagement in people, who are offered a solid present and a promising future to build together.
Working with us means being able to participate in challenging projects that allow us to grow, be valued, innovate and contribute to the creation of shared value for our community and all stakeholders.
Through innovation programmes such as INSIEME 24SI — the platform for collecting ideas and contributions aimed at the entire Group population — we encourage and support innovative and improvement proposals, from the smallest to the most revolutionary, according to a bottom-up model. The aim is to always innovate sustainably, involving the different areas of the organisation across the board, consistent with responsible growth and the process of digitalisation and social cohesion, encouraging proactivity and continuous improvement.
Everyone can participate in INSIEME 24SI by proposing, for each area, an innovative idea having impact for stakeholders, or by providing their own expertise to participate in change.
The various initiatives, which are constantly activated, allow for the expression of analytical and creative thinking and, thanks to the planned learning paths, people can acquire new skills and entrepreneurial spirit and work as in-house small start-ups.

We have received several awards for our people development activities that have rewarded our corporate engagement capacity, for example:
- Inclusion of Poste Italiane among the top 50 international companies that, according to 2022 Fortune Change the World, are able to change the world and improve — through their sustainable business strategies and the direct and spontaneous contribution of all people in their implementation — the living conditions of the community from a social and environmental point of view;
- Assochange's Premio 2022 as the best Italian company in the management of corporate change and transformation processes;
- First place in the HR and Organisation category of the 2022 Financial Innovation - Italian Awards.
One of our main missions is to anticipate change, facing challenges and thinking outside the box , and that is why we are continuously launching engagement and innovation programmes such as hackathons, which allow people to work in teams with agile methodologies on challenging projects, enhancing their potential and increasing their know-how.
Such initiatives offer the opportunity to create valuable relationships and bring out all the heterogeneous skills that belong to the individual's personal and professional sphere.
Through the Hackathons, we enable our people to:
- Train, learn and grow in a low-risk environment;
- Acquire new technical skills and improve their soft skills;
- Increase experience also in different areas by turning concepts into actions;
- Build their own network;
- Improve their problem-solving skills.