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The Group occupies a unique position in the country in terms of size, recognisability, reach and customer loyalty, making a major contribution to Italy’s economic, social and productive fabric.
Poste Italiane is Italy's largest service infrastructure and its services play an important role in society. We operate in three lines of business, in all of which we lead the market:
Post and parcel sector, a business that has benefited from the rise of e-commerce and the dynamic nature of the parcels market;
Financial Services, through BancoPosta;
Insurance, where we lead the life market in Italy, and asset management, an area in which we are expanding.
The Purpose of Poste Italiane: Grow responsibly thanks to the decisive contribution of its people to the sustainable success, innovation, digitisation and social cohesion of the country.
Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 2015, Poste Italiane’s free float accounts for approximately 35% of the shares in issue; around 65% of the shares are held by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, with a 29.26% stake, and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, with a 35% interest.
Since May 2023, Silvia Maria Rovere is the Company’s Chairwoman. Since April 2017 Matteo Del Fante is Chief Executive Officer. Giuseppe Lasco was appointed General Manager in February 2024.
Poste Italiane constitutes the largest integrated, omnichannel service platform in Italy, covering sectors ranging from logistics, letter and parcel delivery, financial and insurance services, payment systems, telecommunications and energy.
Besidesw it is an integral part of the Country’s economic, social and production fabric and is a unique entity in Italy in terms of size, recognisability and widespread coverage. The Company’s activities therefore generate significant impacts throughout the territory, also with a view to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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The Board of Directors of Poste Italiane S.p.A. chaired by Silvia Maria Rovere, met today and approved the preliminary 2024 Results, prepared in compliance with IAS/IFRS, and the 2025 Strategy update. (...)
The Board of Directors of Poste Italiane S.p.A., a company controlled by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance has resolved the acquisition of circa 9.81% of Telecom Italia S.p.A. ordinary shares currently held by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A., a company that holds 35% of Poste Italiane’s share capital, that in turn is owned by the MEF. (...)
Today, the Board of Directors of Poste Italiane S.p.A., chaired by Silvia Maria Rovere, has resolved upon a letter of commitment – to be sent to Banco BPM Vita S.p.A. – to tender the shares owned by Poste Italiane in the context of the public tender offer on the ordinary shares of Anima Holding S.p.A, launched by Banco BPM Vita. (...)
Poste Italiane S.p.A. announces its 2025 financial calendar, indicating when the Group’s accounts will be examined by the Board of Directors, as well as the dates of the ad-hoc conference calls presenting relevant accounting data to the financial community. (...)
Poste Italiane S.p.A. informs that Interim financial report at 30 September 2024 is available to the public at the Company’s registered office and on the Company’s internet website (, as well as on the mechanism for the central storage “eMarket Storage” ( (...)
In compliance with the authorization approved by Poste Italiane’s Shareholders’ Meeting held on 31 May 2024, regarding the purchase of own shares which the second tranche has been announced to the market on 6 August 2024 (pursuant to Art.144-bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99) Poste Italiane S.p.A. (“Poste Italiane”) announces that between 7 August 2024 and 9 August 2024, it bought no.710,802 own shares at an average price of € 11.788388 for a total amount of € 8,379,209.76.
Information on individual agreements stipulated by Poste Italiane.
Financial results
Business results
Infrastructure and employees
Data as of September 30, 2024
Poste Italiane corporate events