He graduated in Mechanical Engineering with full marks at “Tor Vergata” University and he passed the engineering qualifying examination.
He began his career at Accenture in 1996 in the Process and then in Technology areas with growing level of responsibility being engaged in several IT transformation projects in the Business Support Systems areas of the main Italian Telco operators. Senior Executive since 2008, from 2014 he got the responsibility for Technological Sales and Delivery of Health and Public Administration market.
He joined Poste in March 2018 as IT Responsible in the Digital and Payment area, managing the digital transformation process leading to the creation of the IMEL (Postepay) as well as web-mobile app and payment platform evolution.
In 2020 he was appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) in Poste Italiane’s Digital, Technology e Operations division and he developed the product platform evolution for finance, payment, logistic, digital and corporate areas.
Since 2022 he is Head of Business Sales and Public Administration.
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