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Sustainable Finance: objectives and results Responsible investments for sustainable growth.

By becoming a signatory of the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) and PSI (Principles for Sustainable Insurance), PosteVita and BancoPosta Fondi SGR affirm their commitment to pursue a socially responsible management activity in line with the Group’s strategy.  
The incorporation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into traditional investment processes forms one of the cornerstones of the Company’s sustainability policies. By implementing effective investment processes, the financial segment can help protect society, promote innovation and support economic growth, making an important contribution to the country’s sustainable development.
Half-yearly monitoring of the degree of social responsibility and carbon footprint of the portfolios of BancoPosta Fondi SGR and Poste Vita Widened and strengthened the range of products whose investment decisions take into account ESG factors  Integrated into the information system portfolio analysis tools for ESG data integration and ESG KPI monitoring  Poste Italiane re-enters the Brand Finance Global 500 among the brands with the highest financial value globally (+52 positions y/y)

Sustainable Finance 2023 Data Overview

Objectives Indicator (KPI) Target Baseline Implementation Status 2023
Reduce the Group’s total portfolio emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement targets and contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C
  •  Net tCO2e
  • Net zero by 2050
2023 New
Development of sustainable initiatives dedicated to internal stakeholders
  • No. of initiatives
  • 4 by 2024
  • 5
Development of a dedicated offer for people who would have to disinvest part of their invested capital in the event of a serious illness
  • Expansion of the offer on the main flagship products of both class I and multi-class
  • Expansion of offerings by 2024
2022 Launched 4 products including Serious Illness cover
Implementation of a new insurance check-up to tailor proposed cover to each client on by household, and not just by individual, to identify protection needs more precisely, and thus reduce the level of underinsurance of the Italian population
  •  No. of insurance check-ups in production
  •   1 by 2023
  • Start of production of the dedicated household insurance check-up
  • Creation of a new model of access to and use of insurance products, with a main focus on personal coverage, to increase awareness and diffusion among the Italian population, in two phases:

    Rationalisation and simplification of offerings, moving beyond the traditional “coverage” structure towards a “needs” structure;

  • Development of an advisory model that guides the client to the most suitable health facilities for the specific need and generally facilitates the “use” of the policy (i.e. claims management)
  • Restyling of Persona line by Poste Vivere Protetti
  •  New advisory and benefit management process
  •  Restyling of Persona line by Poste Vivere Protetti by 2023
  • New advisory and benefit management process by 2023
  •  Restyling of the Poste Vivere Protetti person line, simplifying the structure of the offer and orienting it towards a needs-based logic
  •  New claims consultancy model launched in October
Gradual inclusion of an ESG component in Poste Vita investment products
  • % of Poste Vita products with ESG elements
  • 100% by 2024
  • 79%
Integrate into at least one fund open to retail a strategy – also in competition with others – aimed at controlling and
containing carbon emissions
  • No. of founds
  • 1 by 2024
  • 30%
Increase ESG indicators against which BancoPosta Fondi SGR’s investment portfolios can be monitored
  • Define a proprietary synthetic sustainability indicator
  • Definition of the indicator by 2024
  •  30%
Development of a strategy concept integrating sustainability objectives (pursuant to Art. 9)
  • No. of strategies with a sustainability objective
  • 1 by 2024
  • 30%
Integration of Poste Vivere Protetti’s Personal Line offer with coverage dedicated to specific targets e.g. caregivers
  • Dedicated coverage for specific targets e.g. caregivers
  • Coverage launch by 2024
2023 New
Carrying out a feasibility study on the possibility of extending the target group of insurable people for health coverage to people normally excluded, through greater sophistication of the health declaration required at the time of underwriting
  • Carrying out a feasibility stufy to expand the target group of people insurable for health coverage
  • Implementation of the study by 2024
2023 New