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Environmental impacts of real estate facilities

The Company’s approach to environmental sustainability is inspired by these principles: efficient use of natural resources; innovation to support a low-carbon economy; prevention and reduction of environmental impact.

Poste Italiane identifies the Principles and initiatives on environmental sustainability towards which to direct its commitment and action through the Policy on environmental sustainability, a tool adopted by the Group in 2019 useful to formally communicate to stakeholders the green approach of its business model related to business, logistics and transport activities and property management.

In particular, Poste Italiane identifies three areas of intervention necessary for the achievement of the objectives and Principles set out in the Policy on environmental sustainability, envisaging for each one several specific actions, described in detail below:
  • Reducing the environmental impact of its operations:

    — optimisation of energy consumption and reduction of atmospheric emissions generated by buildings, thanks to supply plans based on renewable sources and investment in energy efficiency solutions, such as continuous consumption control systems, use of eco-efficient lighting systems and other energy-efficient electrical/electronic equipment;

    — encouragement of green transport for logistical activities and individual mobility, with the aim of reducing atmospheric emissions, also by providing employees with a company fleet of hybrid or fully electric vehicles;

    — decrease in the consumption of materials and correct waste management, specifically through the reduction and containment of paper consumption, achieved through the dematerialization of documents and the maximisation the portion of waste that can be recycled/reused;

    — reduction of water consumption.
  • Incorporation of environmental aspects into the products and services offered:

    — implementation of digitalisation processes for the products and services offered,  as digital innovation can create shared value for Poste Italiane and its stakeholders, providing a valuable contribution both to the reduction of the environmental footprint and to corporate profitability;

    — analysis of environmental risk and opportunities with regard toinvestment choices and the management of insurance activities, in order to significantly contribute to Italy’s sustainable development path.
  • Raising the awareness of employees and third parties regarding the environmental culture:

    — involvement of employees in programmes and regarding the natural environment and ecology, in particular also through the support and active participation of Poste Italiane’s corporate volunteer network;

    — support training and information projects on environmental issues, as well as initiatives aimed at protecting and restoring environmental heritage;

    — dialogue and cooperation with bodies and associations operating at national and international level, in order to design and adopt models, policies and strategies that can mitigate climate change and hinder the inefficient consumption of resources;

    — analysis analysis of risks and environmental management methods adopted by counterparties (suppliers, business partners, other companies), in procurement processes and any extraordinary finance operations.
Poste Italiane's focus on environmental sustainability is evidenced by numerous initiatives implemented in this area, such as projects aimed at increasing the production of energy from renewable sources through the development of photovoltaic solutions and those aimed at contributing to the absorption of CO2 and other climate-changing emissions through the planting of green areas on Group land and buildings.
Procedures for identifying and assessing risks inside and outside the Group, dialogue activities with stakeholders and systems for reporting violations and sanctions make it possible to periodically monitor the effectiveness of the approach adopted by the Company.
In accordance with reference regulations, Postel S.p.A. and SDA, the two companies primarily involved in the certification process, have also defined specific environmental policies:

Occupational Health and Safety, Environment and Quality Policy of Postel S.p.A.: through this Policy, Postel S.p.A. aims to ensure and monitor appropriate business conduct in compliance with regulatory and legislative requirements on environmental issues, aligning the Company to the required standards in the field of occupational health and safety. In addition, the Policy defines its objectives with regard to environmental protection and prevention of negative impacts, with particular regard to efficient waste management, and its commitment to the responsible use of resources and the protection of biodiversity, relevant to its context.

Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Policy of SDA S.p.A.: the Policy establishes and presents the principles relating to the proper management of quality, environment and occupational health and safety issues. In particular, SDA S.p.A. recognises the importance of environmental sustainability, committed to the protection of the environment and making specific reference to the prevention of pollution and excessive consumption of natural resources that may result from the activities carried out within the Company. With this in mind, the Company promotes the recycling and, where possible, the reuse of the waste produced, and is committed to the constant pursuit of a supply chain based on sustainability.
The Group has adopted a Management System in compliance with current legislation and national and international best practices. Postel SpA e SDA SpA have obtained UNI EN ISO 14001 certification for their environmental management system. The system consists of internal environmental management rules that are implemented to ensure punctual identification of the most significant environmental impacts and adoption of the most effective management and mitigation measures, through a structured performance monitoring system involving audits and periodic checks. 
For further information with respect to the surface and workforce covered by a certified EMS, please refer to the  in depth document .

Poste Italiane’s green strategy: PAS 2060 certification obtained for the Padua Sorting Centre
During 2023, Poste Italiane completed work on the Padua Sorting Centre, aimed at transforming the site into a carbon-neutral location.
Specifically, through strategic planning and the definition of intervention guidelines, the Padua Sorting Centre is able to achieve a balance between daily carbon dioxide emissions and those absorbed or not produced by it, in carrying out its various activities. To this end, through the installation of 90 probes with pipes that go into the ground for at least 130 metres, the Padua site is able to obtain energy from geological sources in the subsoil, capturing the natural heat of the ground. The aim is to replicate the model in all Poste Italiane's areas with suitable characteristics to that of the Veneto city. 
The initiative, which is part of the Group's broader goal of achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2030, led to the achievement of PAS 2060 in 2023, certifying the site's neutrality of CO2 emissions in accordance with the most stringent environmental requirements.

The Group is aware that energy efficiency is crucial to succeed in combining economic growth and sustainable development. For this reason, in adopting an exemplary environmental behaviour, Poste Italiane bases its strategy on the following areas of intervention:
  • Renewable energy sources: Poste Italiane achieves the goal of making the impact of its business activities even more sustainable through the installation of photovoltaic panels in the buildings it owns, located throughout the country. In 2023, the implementation of the photovoltaic project continued with the installation of 39 systems for about 3,500 kWp. Administrative activities related to the connection of installed sites to the national grid also continued, significantly improving connection times - which were reduced to an average duration of about 3 months - through daily dialogue with local distributors and suppliers. The total number of completed plants, including installations from previous years, is 202, of which 35 installed up to 2021, 128 installed in 2022 and 39 installed during 2023, with a total capacity of about 13,953 kWp. Also including the plants built under the Polis Project, the total number is 308, of which 145 in 2023, with a total capacity of approximately 15,753 kWp. The self-consumed photovoltaic production in 2023 is thus increased by 2,772 MWh, corresponding to avoided climate-altering emissions of about 813 tCO2e.
    With this in mind, the Poste Italiane Group is pursuing a very broad sustainability path, aimed at the construction of 1,400 photovoltaic systems by 2026, which will cover 15% of the Company's energy needs. Of these, about 300 medium/large sized plants will be built by 2024 and will cover all regions, representing one of the most significant interventions on the Italian scene in recent years and certainly the most widespread initiative ever carried out in the country. Among the best practices with regard to this type of plant, in 2023, the Group inaugurated the largest photovoltaic plant in Sicily, the “Centro Meccanizzazione Postale” in Palermo, with a system that made the production cycle of the site totally self-sufficient thanks to a production of over one million kilowatts.
  • Smart buildings: Confirming the Group's commitment to safeguarding the environment, in continuity with previous years, the Smart Building project was promoted for the creation of a management system for Poste Italiane's medium-small sites by monitoring consumption, climatic conditions inside and outside the buildings, and the automatic implementation of regulation and management systems for air conditioning, heating and lighting systems. Financed by the European Investment Bank, the project plans to implement a Building and Energy Management System (BEMS) on 2,000 Poste Italiane buildings through a single platform for the integrated supervision, management and control of plants, optimising maintenance management and energy efficiency. Specifically, the intervention includes the installation of sensors and systems for controlling and monitoring systems in buildings, as well as the connection with a centralised platform that allows the progressive optimisation of the management of systems and environments. Poste Italiane fully represents the extreme diversity of climatic conditions that characterise the Italian territory, as it has in its assets thousands of buildings scattered in every climatic zone and at every latitude and altitude of the territory in which it operates. This diversity requires flexible technical solutions that are not only able to adapt to a variety of conditions and ensure optimal comfort of the environments for both staff and customers, but also to use as little energy as possible and maximise the efficiency of the systems in order to reduce breakdowns and prolong their service life. In 2023, the number of new installations amounted to about 379, including the 24 installations carried out within the Polis Project, plus those related to the so-called "improved offer" of the "Multiservice" contracts, bringing the total number of sites on the BEMS platform to about 2,000.
  • Energy optimisation: On the subject of energy efficiency, Poste Italiane has launched a decarbonisation project aimed at replacing gas boilers with heat pumps on about 100 sites, saving about 3,566 tCO2e.
    In addition, during the year, the Company implemented various measures aimed at reducing the consumption of resources and focused, specifically, on optimising the heating and cooling systems of some of the Group's sites. In this regard, multiple levers were used, including the renewal of systems that have reached the end of their life cycle with more efficient equipment, the renovation of buildings to improve thermal efficiency, the review of heating and cooling methods through the use of carriers such as diesel and natural gas and the use of heat pumps powered by electricity. These interventions were carried out according to the technical parameters, updated annually by the Energy Services Manager (GSE), which indicate the types of solutions suitable to benefit from incentives for the greater efficiency of the installed equipment.
    Furthermore, the Company has maintained the energy efficiency project aimed at optimising the air conditioning and heating systems in some of the Group's structural sites, for a total budget of €8.5 million invested in 2023.
  • LED lighting: In 2023, Poste Italiane's commitment to the use of smart technologies continued. In fact, over the years, the Group has installed LED technology lighting systems, which reduce energy consumption by 50%. In this regard, 21,018 lamps were installed during 2023 reaching 433,337 at the end of the year since the start of the project.
  • Encouraging virtuous behaviour: The Poste Italiane Group is constantly striving to improve the efficiency and sustainability of its operational processes and, also in 2023, it launched and maintained several projects aimed at the "virtuous" reuse of assets and equipment/tools deemed obsolete but which can still have a "second life", confirming the importance for the Company of the issue of reducing the amount of waste produced. These initiatives, such as "Valori Ritrovati" promoted in cooperation with Caritas since 2019, consist in removing certain goods and equipment from the waste management cycle by handing them over to third parties for reuse. Poste Italiane also adheres to numerous initiatives aimed at raising awareness of the rational use of energy, such as "Earth Hour", a day on which the Company switches off or dims the lights in its offices, and "M'illumino di meno", promoted by the WWF in order to increase awareness of the value of nature and contribute to safeguarding the planet. Finally, the Company launched the "Green Challenge" initiative in 2022, a path aimed at encouraging Poste Italiane's customers to adopt appropriate behaviour in the area of sustainability.