
The increasingly digitalized economic landscape has increased the number of the ways in which we listen to and interact with customers, offering new opportunities for reimagining products and services to better respond to their needs, especially through an multichannel approach.
However, customer experience is a continuously evolving process made of small, often invisible actions that can have positive impact.
Satisfaction comes from a typically individual concept and requires adjustments and changes that can respond to the needs of an individual as well as the whole diverse range of customers.
Poste Italiane's commitment

That’s why we collect thousands of comments, suggestions and complaints every day from customers through various listening channels.
To support the improvement process and the Customer Experience Improvement Plan, Poste Italiane a cross-functional Task Force is also active, mobilising more than 340 Group resources.
Customer experience is both an economic and reputational driver for Poste Italiane. The results of evaluations and improvement measures are shared with everyone at all levels and help define the incentivization plans of the managers themselves.
During 2023, the PCL (Mail, Communication and Logistics) function was equipped with a Perceived Quality Dashboard, a tool that monitors the perception of the quality of delivery and postal products (registered mail and parcels), detected through a system of surveys sent to the receiving customers after the delivery service.
Every six months, the perceived quality of our services is also verified by an independent research institute, using the Net Promoter Score (NPS). The level of satisfaction is measured through customer samples that represent the target universe, and once a year, is compared with those of key competitors.
Areas of impact
The care we put into continuously listening to our customers and our commitment to constantly improving their satisfaction can be seen in various actions: assigning a dedicated consultant to each customer, the specialization of financial consultants based on the type of need, the constant development of the knowledge and skills of the sales network and the accessibility and security of digital services.Financial and digital education
The quality of our customer experience also comes from providing correct information about our products and services. Therefore, we have developed training programs through webinars and online video clips designed to help people make informed financial decisions and know how to easily interact with digital platforms, as well as with delivery services.
Poste in Pratica
This service simplifies processes, streamlines the bureaucratic procedure and speeds up the time it takes to transfer paperwork between citizens and Public Administration offices. Poste in Pratica helps monitor the process of one’s paperwork at any moment through WhatsApp, which puts customers in contact with Poste Italiane’s Digital Assistant.
Digital Assistant
With the help of artificial intelligence, the, digital assistant can manage customer needs, from requesting ISEE documents (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) to the annual reporting of financial and insurance products held by Poste Italiane and monitoring shipping. Since it was launched in July 2019, the digital assistant has handled 20 million phone, website and app conversations.
Developing effective security systems and guaranteeing data protection for its customers and the company’s information assets are fundamental for Poste Italiane. Since 2013, the Computer Emergency Response Team has ensured the protection of cybersecurity and data protection activities at a Group level and actively fought against cybercrime.
A Portal for Associations
This innovative channel serves as a place for dialogue and to listen to requests from consumer, trade and non-profit associations to better support institutional relations.
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How to improve everyday service: delivery notices for registered mail
Delivery notices for registered mail that letter carriers leave in mail boxes must be one of the most read texts in the country considering the number of them.After listening to our readers, we have decided to make it easier to read and better for a public that is used to brief and direct digital communication. We have therefore adapted the way we communicate delivery notices.
The old notices had a formal and sometimes "aggressive" tone due to uppercase text. The instructions were verbose and bureaucratic. Despite redundancy, they did not specify all the ways in which one could book a pick-up time. In addition, the assistance channels available were not up to date and space in which to authorize another person for pick up wasn’t big enough to provide all the necessary info.
In the new delivery notices, the tone of voice has changed. We use informal language. The text is more concise while still being complete, with the addition of all the information needed for pick up. A geographic phone number and toll-free number have also been added. The space for authorizing another person for pick up has also been updated to specify the type and ID number of the person giving the authorization and the person authorized to pick up.