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83.8% of customers are satisfied with the Group’s services - 42% IT security breaches/cybersecurity incidents Obtained Premio allo Smau (Award at Smau) for innovation in customer care service systems 44% of contacts handled by artificial intelligence
With the aim of pursuing continuous improvement of the customer experience and the quality of the service offered, the Group adopts a listening model aimed at identifying priority actions to be implemented. Specifically, Poste Italiane analyses verbatims, i.e. spontaneous customer responses on critical areas encountered during the customer journey with Poste Italiane products and services, obtained by means of periodic surveys in relation to the Group's ESG objectives. These opinions are then translated into Net Promoter Score terms, which is a measure of customer satisfaction to the point of recommending products or services to others. Based on these assessments, the business units identify the critical issues on which to intervene and direct their improvement actions, which are communicated by each owner within the Company in order to be implemented.

The continuous listening model is guaranteed through the Customer Feedback Management (CFM) service, a company service activated for conducting surveys on the quality perceived by customers in relation to the Group's products and services.

PostePay SpA is among the award-winning companies in the first edition of Italy's Best Customer Service 2022-2023. The award aims to identify the brands with the best customer service and the companies that have distinguished themselves for high quality customer service in Italy.

The impact of digital transformation is of significant importance in several sectors, with particular relevance in the postal context. Poste Italiane is therefore called upon to recognise these transformations and to take targeted action to offer customers new tools that are indispensable for meeting their needs. With an increasingly omnichannel focus, the Group has adopted an innovative approach in integrating traditional services usable through the physical network with new digital offerings accessible on the move.

In a global landscape increasingly characterised by the pervasiveness of digital technology, which is an essential driver for the growth and continuity of any company's business, Poste Italiane aims to deploy state-of-the-art cybersecurity systems to effectively defend the company information assets from attacks and data theft. Through its information security systems, the Group ensures the proper functioning and delivery of its services and guarantees the confidentiality of data* and information, preventing access to unauthorized parties and implementing corrective actions in case of violation of the information assets of the Group.

In 2023, Poste Italiane registered a decrease of 42% in IT security breaches and cybersecurity incidents compared to 2022.

Poste Italiane has additionally obtained certification for its information security management system in accordance with the ISO 27001:2013 standard, as well as for personal data protection following the ISO 27701:2019 standard.

* In 2023 the percentage of customers whose data have been used for secondary purposes is equal to 0% of the total number of customers.

Customer Experience 2023 Data Overview
Objectives Indicator (KPI) Target Baseline Implementation Status 2023
Evolution of the Omnichannel
Service Model through further development of the digital channel and self-service offer for
the subscriptions of interest bearing
postal certificates (BFP), Class I, Multi-class, Funds and GP Moneyfarm
• % number of collection transactions finalised on the digital channel
• % number of collection transactions finalised on the digital channel
• 19% by 2023
• 20% by 2024
2022 • 21.8%
Promote knowledge and skills development within the sales
• Hours per capita for employees working in the sales network • 90 by 2024 2022 • 124.2 hours per capita per year delivered to the financial and insurance target of the sale network
Evolution of the Service Model
through the specialisation of
Financial Advisors based on the clientèle target into Personal,
Dynamic and Premium
  • Number of specialised advisors
• 8,450 2020 • 8,303
Evolution of the Omnichannel
Service Model through further development of the digital channel and self-service offer for
the subscriptions of interest bearing
postal certificates (BFP), Class I, Multi-class, Funds and GP Moneyfarm
• % of total volumes
• % of total volumes
• 8.0% by 2023
• 8.5% by 2024
  • 8.4%
Dematerialisation of documents to reduce the use of paper at
the Post Office, through the elimination of the customer copy
for loan origination and customer record changes
• % number of transactions since solution release • 30% by 2024 2022 Preparation of activities for the initiative 
Increase customer experience • Value of the Group’s Customer experience • +10pp Net Promoter Score by 2028 2023 NEW
Raising awareness among the corporate population on procedures for secure access to corporate applications from external networks • No. of communication campaigns dedicated to MFA (Multifactor Authentication) Mail, communication on intranets, apps, coupons space and dedicated channels TG Poste service • 1 campaign by 2024 2023 NEW
Definition of Corporate Accelerator with “Hub&Spoke” model to support national entrepreneurship also from a D&I perspective (start-ups, female entrepreneurs, etc.) • No. of initiatives • 4 by 2028 2023 NEW