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Poste Italiane pays special attention to human capital, as a sky element in creating competitive advantage and achieving company objectives. In this light, the Group invests significantly to promote training for its personnel, who can more effectively and consistently meet the needs of a business in constant transformation. Specifically, the Company sees training as a fundamental part of the continuing development of personal and professional skills, with the aim of enhancing every person who is part of the Group. In consideration of this, Poste Italiane is committed to improving the quality of training by adopting innovative formats that create more involvement and through knowledge sharing methods, useful for simplifying access to training content and guaranteeing continuous learning in relation to developments in the epidemiological situation.

Consistent with that found in its Code of Ethics, the Group recognises the importance and value of the individual contributions made by each member of its workforce. To that end, it guarantees equal career development opportunities, without distinction, for all employees.

In accordance with that established in the “2024 Sustain & Innovate Plus” Plan, training is part of a much larger project that, in line with company principles and the requirements of the market, customers and regulations, calls for around 25 million hours of training to be provided between 2020 and 2024. To promote regular training activities, in 2015 the Company established the Corporate University, which is a part of Human Resources organised into different Academies, focused around business content and subdivided based on the skills to be improved. The objective of the Corporate University is to establish and guarantee the execution of training as a whole (including operating training). To that end, it makes use of local structures, operating mechanisms and organisational ownership of training activities and operations training, adopting an approach that ensures efficacy, efficiency and conformity of results, by introducing specific quality and efficacy benchmarks for training. In this context, the Training and Operations Training Procedure should be noted, which applies to all company functions and personnel. It describes the operating model used for training, making explicit the operating mechanism and organisational ownership of training and operating training, with the aim of guaranteeing efficacy, efficiency and conformity in results, by introducing organisational and control measures which are also relevant with regards to Legislative Decree 231/01 is not established. This procedure supplements other more specific policies and procedures for organisational activities/functions currently being updated (e.g. financed training, BancoPosta training, etc.).

In 2021, training had the strategic objective of supporting the profound transformation of the company; the new service models introduced, entry into new businesses, new working methods and the increasing complexity of the situation required and continue to require a constant process of updating and developing technical and cultural skills.

Poste Italiane is committed to improving the learning experience, both by introducing innovative methodologies such as “immersive learning” (combining cutting edge digital technologies with traditional relationship dynamics) and gaming training techniques, which enrich the employee’s experience, as well as by developing the e-learning platform that allows for simplified access to all training content.

Additionally, Poste Italiane has enhanced and enriched the content in the Open Learning Area, in which over 200 courses in 14 thematic areas are available online, as well as 65 books, which can be freely accessed by the entire workforce on demand. This allows people to independently select the training they desire, under a self-development approach. As in 2020, the Group continued to make use of the Cloud Oracle HCM (Human Capital Management) platform to support the training process.

Over 6 million training hours were provided in 2021. Generally, to meet the various training needs that come from the Group’s business, dedicated training courses were provided for specific targets (e.g. counter workers, postal workers, customer service representatives, sales agents) to help then acquire, consolidate and develop the technical specialist skills for their position. Additionally, cross-cutting MAIN RELATED TYPES OF CAPITAL 6 million hours of training provided in 2021 Summary Section Annual Report 2021 Poste Italiane Group 282 training courses were provided to all Group personnel, regardless of their specific position, on regulatory and behavioural aspects and on issues associated with the adoption of new tools and cultural models. Finally, Poste Italiane provided individual training courses, dedicated in particular to resources being developed, to strengthen skills which will be useful when placed in roles of greater complexity.

The Corporate University, with around 50 employees, represents the fulcrum of the training process, involving various organisational functions and ensuring supervision of the entire process. It is organised into 5 Academies, consistent with the business areas (Financial, Commercial and Customer Support, Innovation and Digital, Postal, Logistics and ICT, Managerial and Corporate and Faculty), with internal faculty dedicated to training expert employees who become internal teachers, making their knowledge available to other colleagues.

The other functions involved are the functions of HR Business Partner, through the training representatives and resources operating in cross-cutting services in the Macro Human Resources Area, and the function of Channel Product Support with reference to BancoPosta.

To verify the training objectives established have been met, Poste Italiane has implemented a monitoring and control system which is periodically shared with all business lines. It calls for:
  • general KPI system that is monitored on a monthly basis, by checking:
            – training hours provided (by function/area);
            – percentage of coverage;
            – perceived quality;
            – external cost progress;
            – Fund recovery progress;
  • a specific control system for each individual training initiative that evaluates:
           – efficacy (ability to achieve the training objectives for the course in terms of the pass rate for the end of course test);
           – participation rate;
           – specifically for compliance training, additional periodic reporting and monitoring systems are established with regards to the          control functions. In particular, relative to progress of the training plan in terms of hours, participation, intervention areas and trends;      monitoring of utilisation for specific training campaigns.

Additionally, periodic audit’s are scheduled for internal/external control functions (internal audit/certifying bodies/regulatory authorities) which evaluate the model adopted.

To support the monitoring system implemented, Poste Italiane also uses an additional series of tools, including surveys and focus groups, both to improve initiative design and to assess their efficacy with regards to recipients. The Company also pays special attention to the role played by corporate communication tools (website, Poste News, interviews on the Poste news show) in order to raise awareness in potential students about the importance of proposed training courses. Finally, the Group signs partnership agreements with the main Business Schools and suppliers with the aim of having training content immediately available, optimising procurement times.

To improve the Group’s systems, processes and strategies with an eye to achieving sustainable corporate success, Poste Italiane makes use of People Analytics, also known as HR, Talent or workforce analytics, collecting and analysing human resources and organisational data, also through application of statistics and other data interpretation techniques. In 2021, the Group used People Analytics for the following purposes:
a) strategic workforce planning, identifying the requirements of business lines to be combined with management levers to determine the framework for the workforce over the medium-term, in line with business requirements. The company uses People Analytics to anticipate and guide expected personnel trends in relation to the framework defined, above all with regards to the use of incentivised resignation as a lever with low social impact to manage excess staff and to handle prospective trends for utilising resources. People Analytics makes it possible to analyse the impact of business projects, identifying and managing excesses through the WebPers Pensionamento application, which identifies target employees who could resign, and end to end management of the resignation process, directly through the expulsion policy targeting organisational areas with excess staff, and indirectly by creating opportunities for transfers to different organisational areas, also based on the requirements identified for the various business lines (e.g. counter workers, insourcing, etc.). Through the use of People Analytics, Poste Italiane has been able to manage corporate reorganisations effectively in advance and guide Section Summary Report on operations at 31 December 2021 6. Creation of Value 283 management trends to achieve business objectives.
b) Identification of any gaps in workforce skills through constant analysis of a series of data (organisational, training assigned, utilised, completed and passed) to define, initiative and monitor training processes to develop basic, position and managerial skills to develop key people, talent and executive roles. All of this data is kept on an LMS platform, making it possible to constantly analyse training trends in terms of volumes and population affected, areas which are distinct in terms of function and other analytical dimensions.
c) Recruiting and hiring: the Development function makes use of a series of data (organisational, performance and potential, etc.) to define, initiate and monitor processes to develop and enhance personnel in relation to business objectives. The integration and analysis of the data available in fact supports the identification of employees with ability, distinctive performance and ambition to be considered for access to programmes that evaluate potential or to begin processes to move them towards target positions. The main company POP scouting processes (to identify young talent) and MLAB processes (to identify solid professionals and managers) are governed by pre-established access criteria (e.g. performance, potential, seniority) that make it possible to establish potentially eligible workers.
d) Competitive Intelligence: through the HR Research Centre, which as part of Human Resources and Organisation, is intended to ensure the entire professional family is consistent with market trends and best practices for the main processes that impact HR strategies, by researching, structuring, sharing and socialising experiences and innovative approaches. In 2021, a new online platform was launched, in part updated based on a survey that involved all the employees of Human Resources and Organisation. This online space offers organised content and innovative solutions for the world of HR, with a user friendly multidisciplinary approach, to encourage the mixing of knowledge and the development of innovative practices to be inserted in functional strategies. Additionally, contributions from various business functions are included to add shared knowledge and to facilitate synergies with respect to company objectives, as well as to achieve multilateral integration of people strategy plans.
e) Analysis of the organisational networks by understanding the relations represented by information flows, cooperative networks and informal and real exchanges between people and supporting re-engineering of processes by analysing the main relationship dynamics.

As part of its training model, Poste Italiane has always been attentive to obligatory regulatory training with reference to issues that affect the entire corporate population (workplace safety, Legislative Decree 231/01, GDPR, Integrated Quality and Corruption Prevention System, etc.), as well as specific training for certain professional positions (e.g. ESMA/ IVASS training, Air Security). In this context, the training webinar “New Group compliance programmes, Integrated Compliance and Antitrust Compliance” was provided in May 2021, organised by Corporate University and aimed at 1,400 managers in the Group, both at the central and local offices. The event was opened by the Co-General Manager and saw external experts in the sector participate.

Poste Italiane also implemented a specific training course for its managers, based on the new leadership model adopted by the Company in virtue of the growing complexity and new organisational paradigms. The Group began training processes linked to Smart Leadership and Smart Behaviour, with the objective of supporting the various company functions and employees making use of smart or agile working. Additionally, webinar cycles were offered during which Group management could dialogue with personalities from cultural, business and academic sectors both nationally and internationally, to share experiences and reflect on the new situation. Finally, training projects were carried out for Executives, using innovative formats, to strengthen both executive and strategic managerial skills, with a focus on change management and strategic thinking.
Mail, Parcels and Distribution
Training initiatives focussed, in addition to programmes to update skills and verify the same with regards to IVASS and ESMA regulatory provisions, on developing digital and innovative skills and managing change and complexity.
The Group also invested in significant training projects, with the cooperation of the Post Office Network and the Business and Public Administration commercial structures.
These training activities dealt with the significant changes made to the service model with an omnichannel logic, the new criteria used to classify customers and training on new car liability and fibre business.
Additionally, a significant training project was begun to support proactive relations, aimed at counter operators; in 2021, around 3,000 counter operators received the training.
The induction process for Specialist Financial Consultants and Specialist Mobile Consultants continued to be offered, provided to new hires with the aim of accompanying and supporting them as well as offering professional development.
The Group also made dedicated training courses available to Premium Financial Advisors, to develop their basic skills and strengthen their personal and strategic abilities, with a focus on persuasion, involvement and sales.
With regards to Mail, Communication and Logistics, Lean Culture training was begun, to assist people in handling the industrial and operational transformation in process in the postal system, as well as specific projects for letter carriers and other professional positions.
Additionally, Poste Italiane promoted the development of IT skills, with special focus on various areas ranging from cloud computing to ICT methods and standards, as well as data analytics, platforms and new technologies.
For the companies of the Group, worthy of note are the initiatives carried out by Postel to develop sales and customer relations skills and the training activities offered by Poste Air Cargo to develop and maintain the specific knowledge held by flight crews and maintenance workers.

Financial Services
For the BancoPosta function, the Group guaranteed a number of training activities, intended to ensure specialist and digital skills were acquired and strengthened, with an eye to the transformation of the commercial model to an omnichannel and the strong push towards digitalisation. In particular, much attention was paid to examining content linked to ESG and data governance issues. At the same time, at BancoPosta Fondi SGR, training activities focussed on strengthening skills in the areas of ICT, Project Management and Analytics, in line with the Knowledge and Competence regulations.

Insurance Services
The training objective for the PosteVita Group (PosteVita, PosteAssicura and Poste Welfare Servizi) was to update the skills needed for various professional roles. In particular, updates were offered for skills associated with regulatory changes and compliance specifically for the insurance sector (IFRS 17). Training initiatives were also focussed on developing specialist knowledge about life and P&C insurance products. Finally, in line with the previous year, ample space was reserved to develop soft skills and managerial expertise.

Payments and Mobile
The training projects for Postepay were intended to investigate a number of cross-cutting themes, with a focus on digital and financial issues and professional efficiency. The Group worked to strengthen skills in the areas of banking, service design and ICT. Consistent with actions taken in previous years, integrated training and engagement initiatives continued with the “Change Management: CollegaMenti” programme, with the goal of encouraging interaction and communication between people and functions. Finally, we note the start of a project dedicated to the new issues of well-being
Poste Italiane is committed to periodically monitoring the efficacy, efficiency and quality of the training programmes it provides, as key performance indicators.

Efficacy is measured through tests given at the end of the training, while efficiency is identified as the ability to reach the stated objectives, through appropriate use of available economic and organisational resources.

Finally, quality is measured through questionnaires intended to determine employee satisfaction levels with respect to the various dimensions of training offered.

As in previous years, the Poste Italiane Group activated a study to correlate training with the company’s business KPIs, thus defining an additional level of evaluation of the effectiveness of training in accordance with the ROI Evaluation Process Model.
The Development and Performance Management Function supports the growth of the business through the enhancement of all Poste Italiane people, making use of their potential and talent, offering motivation and making use of their experience. More specifically, today the function is offering support for the evolution in the organisational culture, facilitating the changes in mindset, behaviour and operating methods of the people who work within the Group, with a logic that is increasingly based on widespread leadership, that sees responsibility, integration and cooperation as its main drivers.

The Development System is based on the following three pillars, which integrate an articulated set of processes, tools and methodologies:
  1. scouting: to identify growth opportunities based on the target and level of professional maturity. Scouting programmes help to make full use of talent by identifying and developing the potential of resources;
  2. management planning: aimed at identifying development priorities with a view to succession and the reduction of “managerial risk”;
  3. development: to assist people in their growth and intensify the strengthening of skills in relation to company and business needs.

Consistent with the corporate goal of strengthening business performance by attracting and developing talent, the Development System can be seen through the lens of employee experience, privileging an organisational culture that centres people and their needs.

These initiatives are dedicated to diversified population targets in all company functions and at all Group companies. Special attention is paid to guaranteeing equal opportunity for participation in terms of diversity, meaning age, gender, department and geography, without prejudice to the specific entry criteria established for each initiative.

The general objectives pursued in 2021, as in 2020, were mainly focussed on maximising the overall efficiency of the Development System, extending its impact both in terms of reach and spread.
The main drivers which led activities were as follows:
  • Enhance the knowledge held by people, as well as their skills, potential and motivation, to create a pipeline of talent at various levels of seniority;
  • Enhance people;
  • Align and develop the skills needed to achieve business objectives;
  • Experiment with innovative tools to promote new methods of working, interacting and collaborating;
  • Guarantee an equal opportunity approach for participation in development programmes, also as a function of enhancing career growth prospectives for women;
  • Improve engagement and personal motivation, through participation and inclusion in significant processes.

Finally, the health emergency accelerated the adoption of new methods of working, offering the challenge of introducing smart working as a genuine philosophy of work. The push to digitalise and offer develop initiatives remotely was intensive, including innovation in systems, the introduction of new tools and functions, including through the cloud, which is increasingly making possible processes which are simplified, digitalised and employee-centric.

In terms of people development and the promotion of professional development, as in previous years, Poste Italiane continued with its scouting programmes, in digital form, with the aim of identifying potential, ability and skills to feed the pipeline of talent at various levels of the organisation. The programmes are built around a digital backbone that spans and supports all phases of the process. Specially created platforms allow optimal access from all fixed and mobile digital devices. The digitisation of programmes, in addition to making their delivery times more efficient, has led to a reduction in their environmental impact, in terms of CO2 emissions and the elimination of paper.

In relation to enhancing people and promoting professional development, as in previous years, the scouting programmes were strengthened to identify potential, capacity and skills that can feed the talent pipeline at various levels of the organisation. Both of these initiatives offer specific information about the level of potential identified and integrated quantitative and qualitative information about the Leadership Model capacities, the focus of participants and their motivation.

This includes:
  • POP: is the process of identifying potential young people with limited company seniority, inserted, according to predefined criteria, in a process of assessment and professional orientation, functional to growth towards management area roles. The process is managed by internal Assessors, certified to conduct the assessment and subsequent development sessions in fully digital mode. In 2021, 50 editions were carried out, with the participation of 291 young employees, equally divided by gender.
  • MLAB: is the process of intercepting solid professionals and managers, with consolidated experience in the role of manager to be developed in positions of greater complexity; the path has been entirely revised in a perspective, realising during the year 17 editions with the participation of 125 managers.

Both programmes were evaluated positively by the participants, in terms of level of usefulness, degree of professionalism of the assessors and satisfaction with the IT tools made available for use.

The extraordinary changes the Company has been faced with since 2020 has meant all people have had to make use of new skills at work, which led to the updating of the Leadership Model. The new Model values elements that were found to be effective in managing the emergency and, in a never normal scenario, can help in facing current and future challenges. All the development and growth processes for Poste Italiane people are based on the new model and, in particular, on the 8 key skills identified: value for the customer, innovation and simplification, big picture view, propensity for change, decision making and executing ability, agile leadership, inclusion and adherence to company values, cooperation. What emerges from the new model is the importance of agile leadership, the ability not just to flexibly adjust to every change, but to guide it and experience it with a positive and constructive approach.

With the goal of increasing the number of resources involved in the processes of assessing potential, also including populations not currently eligible for existing programmes, new smart tools were introduced – on line questionnaires which, thanks to the limited time required for completion, made it possible to involve around 750 people. 

This new approach was applied to People Review processes and to evaluate letter carriers.
The potential results, together with performance trends, guided management of the People Review, a process to enhance the Group’s talent, with an experimental stage involving the AFC and Sales families; line managers and HR managers discussed a talent pool of around 100 resources, to identify accelerated development solutions and expand the pipeline of candidates to cover business positions, also with reference to the entire Group.

In terms of coaching, in 2021 this included both internal and external coaches, involving young talent and current managers in courses intended to strengthen cross-cutting skills useful to improve performance. To construct a team identity and a homogeneous leadership style to support change management, there was a group coaching process, Post-IT, dedicated to regional PCL managers, to strengthen managerial skills consistent with the challenges faced by the organisation. The programme included managers from the Logistics Macro Areas, with the head of Operations Management, to define a managerial model for PCL to transfer throughout the function.

Always with an eye to developing people consistent with the talent shown and expertise and results achieved, the project “Local development processes” was begun, establishing specific courses for key local positions, through co-projects between central and local HR and line functions, carried out in agile format and able to strengthen the development skills of the interested functions.

Poste Italiane also implemented the Skill UP programme to support and align functional skills with business objectives. In 2021, the programme to evaluate technical/specialist skills was aimed at around 6,000 people working in the commercial area of the Post Office network. Following the Skill Assessment, champions were identified in terms of skills in commercial positions. Skills gaps were also identified, to be dealt with through dedicated training projects. 

The pressures of an ever more competitive market, together with new social and health challenges, contribute to driving change, requiring more and more commitment and motivation from people and putting the concepts of responsibility, autonomy, flexibility and adaptability centre stage. This is the context in which Poste Italiane’s mentoring programme has developed over the years, continuing in 2021 throughout the company, offering a privileged space to discuss managerial best practices and offering diversified role models. In 2021, over 240 were involved in the programme in the Company.

Mentoring enhances the big picture view because it supports dialogue with people of different gender, age and experience. Cross fertilization is the main driver of the programme, connecting different functions and integrating central and local offices. This is promoted by supporting mentor relationships between managers and professionals coming from functions in different geographic areas. 

Relative to the introduction of the Cloud Oracle HCM platform, this was used in 2021 for integrated management of personal evaluation and development processes. This innovation provided an opportunity to review the evaluation process, seen as a key process for the development of people. It was not just luck that the new name given to the evaluation process is “Performance Development Plan” (PSP) - the aim is to centre the development of individual skills and performance for continuous improvement.

The foundation of the Performance Development Plan is engaging and motivating personnel through knowledge, combined with a results and cooperation culture. To achieve involvement and participation goals, it is necessary to make the links between organisational and individual objectives even more clear and transparent, strengthening communication processes to make people more aware of their own position and potential for development and growth. Feedback is a fundamental element of the PSP, used as a tool for growth and constructive dialogue to support continuous and reciprocal improvement and leading to the adoption of a feed-forward logic based not on errors but on possible solutions and improvements looking towards the future.

Insourcing and Reemployment

The Poste Italiane “Insourcing and Re-employment" project, which served to transfer people previously employed in other productive sectors to new or strategic areas, successfully continued again in 2021, serving a social function in enhancing people.

Forecasts suggest that this programme will make it possible to return activities to Poste Italiane that had been outsourced in recent years. Around 700 people were involved in the project and consequently re-employed or will be re-employed thanks to a reskilling and training process, with the aim of enhancing and acquiring new skills.

The Insourcing and Re-employment project saw a high level of success among employees, who were very satisfied with the new employment opportunities offered by the Group and the quality and completeness of the training courses.


The leadership model is the set of skills that inspires our people and underpins all the processes of their development. 
It is the reference of our common values around which the culture of leadership is created which is distinctive and widespread throughout the company.
Acting in accordance with our leadership vision means becoming key players in change and working towards common objectives, promoting the integration and synergy of skills and resources.
Our model "puts people first", creating an ongoing relationship between managers and their teams with moments dedicated to even informal discussions. Feedback thus constitutes a central moment in the relationship between manager and collaborator.
Giving feedback is like saying "I see you" and not only in the performance evaluation process, but continuously, in the awareness of being able to take stock of the results achieved together, thinking about how and what to improve, setting new goals.
In this sense, Poste Italiane promotes a culture of innovation and feedforward: helping people to look ahead with a view to continuous improvement is a must for us!