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Corporate Volunteering

Corporate volunteering represents an ethical choice of the Company and a concrete commitment for the sustainable development of the community, in line with the values and principles stated in the Code of Ethics and the Sustainability Policies. Through volunteering, the Poste Italiane Group encourages, supports and organises the active and concrete participation of all its staff in the life of local communities and non-profit and social enterprise organisations throughout the country.

In 2023, with the "I do good" (Faccio bene) campaign, the Company inaugurated its corporate volunteering model, progressively launching the first initiatives starting in September. The programme is promoted in cooperation with accredited Third Sector Organisations (ETS), within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the National Forum of the Third Sector, an association that brings together 92 national networks of ETSs, for more than 150,000 territorial organisations operating throughout the country. Among the aims of the protocol is, in fact, the definition and development of activities and initiatives to support the creation of a corporate volunteering platform, through which Third Sector Organisations can submit projects in which Poste Italiane employees are invited to take part as volunteers, outside working hours. Thanks to the Forum network, meetings were organised at the beginning of 2023 between the Company and a number of Third Sector Organisations, aimed both at illustrating the characteristics of the chosen volunteering model, the requirements and the procedures for joining the programme, and at gathering suggestions and any useful information to ensure the best definition of the programme itself in line with the needs and peculiarities of the reference operating context. In addition, the modalities through which it is possible to submit proposals for voluntary initiatives to be developed in partnership with the Company have been published in the web section dedicated to Voluntary Associations on Poste Italiane's institutional website.

Since the launch in June 2023, there are about 40 Organisations with which the Company has entered into dialogue aimed at collaborations in the field of corporate volunteering. In assessing and, if necessary, launching and monitoring initiatives, the Company operates in compliance with the provisions set out in a dedicated internal procedure entitled "Definition, development and monitoring of corporate volunteering initiatives", which is consistent with the Poste Italiane Group's Sustainability Strategy. At 31 December 2023, about 300 employees have decided to join the corporate volunteering network by registering on the "Corporate Volunteering" web portal, choosing to apply for one or more thematic and territorial initiatives of interest among those published on the portal since June. As of September 2023, the first widespread initiatives in the area of social, cultural, human rights and environmental protection, both occasional and ongoing, were launched.
Poste Italiane's volunteering model intends to enhance its own people, who are already sensitive and active in the world of volunteering, involving them in the positive change that the Company wants to contribute to producing through this instrument, creating a network of solidarity in the area and strengthening the collaborative skills among people, so as to foster the development of social networks that can create long-term value for the Company and the area. The ultimate goal is, in fact, to make a significant impact on society by promoting virtuous volunteering.
The corporate volunteering model adopted therefore necessarily envisages active collaboration with Third Sector partners for the promotion and development of volunteering initiatives that can generate social and environmental impacts, thus contributing to the achievement of common sustainable development goals. To achieve this, constant listening and networking with Third Sector Organisations was crucial. To this end, the aforementioned protocol with the National Forum of the Third Sector provides for the support of a permanent discussion table, in line with the Group's stakeholder engagement policies.