As evidence of Poste Italiane's commitment to disseminating the principles of integrity, preventing corruption and ensuring regulatory compliance, the Company adopted a Group-wide Competition and Consumer Protection Compliance programme and drew up the "Guideline on Competition and Consumer Protection Compliance", which is the cornerstone of the programme.
The document provides indications on the regulations for the protection of competition and the consumer and defines the rules of conduct that corporate bodies, executives, employees and all those who work to achieve the Group's purpose and objectives must observe. In particular, the objectives set out in said document concern:
- ensuring compliance with competition and consumer protection rules, of which no violation is tolerated;
- strengthening awareness and disseminating knowledge about the importance of competition and consumer protection regulations;
- consolidating an operating and control environment that mitigates the risk of commission of antitrust and anti-competitive offences as well as violation of consumer protection regulations;
- defining a guide to prevent actions, behaviours and omissions that violate competition and consumer protection regulations, and outline monitoring tools to identify any violations.