- Innovation Community - More than 100 colleagues who share the innovation strategy connected to the business logic and objectives of the industrial plan, and contribute to the management of innovation by participating in quarterly meetings animated by the Open Innovation team. The sharing of skills and professionalism within the PI Group to develop contamination and creativity. A space in which to discuss and freely exchange ideas with the aim of becoming a reference for the entire corporate ecosystem on vertical issues (eg. Data economy, Machine Learning, AI, ...) and transversal challenges (eg. Economic sustainability, Green impact) . An ideal place to deepen specialist skills and enable Knowledge and Best Practice Sharing activities.
- Insieme 24 SI - A space dedicated to the entrepreneurship of Poste people to collect everyone's contribution to the implementation of the Sustain & Innovate 2024 Plan. The goal is to feed the innovation process and sustainable growth of the Group through the enhancement of ideas and contributions from our people, gathered from challenges launched on the 8 pillars of our 24 SI Plan and our strategy of sustainability and creation of shared value. An initiative that saw the involvement of more than four hundred ambassadors, scattered throughout the territory and belonging to the various company functions as promoters of participation and change and also saw the involvement of over 50 colleagues in the evaluation of ideas. Ten teams will move on to the next phase of Acceleration of ideas which will end in June 2022. Following is the conclusion of the path with a Final Event.
- Mentorship di Open Italy - Poste Italiane Mentor career path in collaboration with O P E N I T A L Y to support Startups to facilitate them in dialogue with large companies. The project involves more than 10 large companies belonging to different industrial sectors.
Datathon – Internal hackathons focused on the use of Data during which the participants involved work in groups starting from some previously defined Data Sets and identify possible Use Cases for exploiting the data.
The teams work with the support of Experts from Poste and Mentors from Elis Innovation Hub, partners of this initiative. At the end of the three days each team makes a presentation in front of the jury of experts belonging to the most impacted business functions, who vote on the best ideas.