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The certifications of the Poste Italiane Group for integrated and sustainable management.

The Management Systems are the key elements for processes and performance improvement and are a solid basis for Group sustainable development initiatives.

Poste Italiane Group, in line with Enviromental Social and Governance (ESG)  Strategic Plan and in order to consolidate the relationship of trasparency, trust and reliabilty with customers, suppliers, market and the entire community, has established "Group’s Sustainable Development, Risk and Compliance" (SSRCG) function that is in charge of the following:
  • supervision of Management systems in an integrated way throught overseeing of implementation activities managed by relevant functions;
  • ensure the compliance of the management system with ISO relevant requirements.
The integrated certification is a key element for our management systems which allows us to certify the compliance of them to multiples ISO standards (e.g. quality, anti-bribery, occupational, compliance, health and safety, environment, information security, ICT services management, ecc.).

Poste has obtained the following certifications:

Poste Italiane has obtained ISO 22222 certification for more than 8000 investment financial planners, which on a daily basis give valid support for customers investment decisions.
For Group Companies Certifications, please refer to relevant web sites.