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In over 160 years of history, Poste Italiane has accompanied the country’s development: for decades our postal offices were the main physical network in the country. Over time, we have shifted from distributing our products exclusively through the post office network towards expanding the market for these products through our proprietary digital channel, selling third-party products through our own channels, and using third-party networks and diversified distribution partners as well.

Today, our business model is widely diversified and unique. Besides being a logistics and postal operator, we also offer financial, insurance, payments, telephone and energy services through a network characterised by strong integration between physical and digital channels: 12,755 post offices nationwide, a third-party network boasting 51,000 contact points and our increasingly important digital channels. In 2023, through all our channels we saw 23 million interactions per day.
We are therefore truly one-of-a-kind in Italy in terms of size, recognition and capillarity, a fundamental element of the country's social, economic and productive landscape.

The value creation process
Our business model is presented below, characterised by the interactions between the main forms of capital used by Poste Italiane to create value, our governance, integrated strategy, business areas and outputs and outcomes for the Group and the country.

Impact generated by the Group
Through our leadership in logistics, financial, insurance and payment services, we play a key role in the creation of economic value  both for stakeholders directly impacted by our business activities and for the country as a whole.

Our activities generate impacts on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), personal income, employment and contributions to the public sector. These impacts can be broken down into:
  • Direct impacts: generated by the direct operations of Poste Italiane
  • Indirect impacts: generated along the value chain as a result of Poste Italiane's spending on goods and services (€3.8 billion in 2023) from Italian suppliers
  • Induced impacts: generated by consumer spending through the income of workers employed directly and indirectly by the Group.
The process of creating poste italiane's economic value

In 2023, our Group generated impacts on the country in terms of GDP worth a total of €13.7 billion, as well as supporting a total of around 197,000 jobs and contributing around €2.7 billion in tax revenues to the public sector. Furthermore, it is possible to estimate that Poste Italiane contributed €7.3 billion directly and indirectly to the distribution of income to workers.

Poste Italiane's value creation is based on the contribution that the Group's individual people make through their daily work and commitment. Indeed, during 2023, each Poste Italiane employee contributed to the creation of economic impacts for the wider community amounting to €114,000 in terms of GDP, €61,000 of income for families, €22,000 of tax contributions and the employment of 1.6 people.

one euro spent by Poste Italiane for the purchase of goods and services generates an economic value for the country system of €3 in terms of production value.
I contributi di Poste Italiane al PIL, al reddito da lavoro, alla PA e all'occupazione 2022