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The Business Control Centre (BCC), located at corporate headquarters, uses an integrated service delivery model to control Poste Italiane's business processes.
The Centre handles four basis tasks:
  • 24x7 real time monitoring of the services delivered by Poste Italiane;
  • Protecting the security of customers inside post offices and employees at all places of work;
  • Combating fraud and cyber crime;
  • Trials and testing of new company services.
The Business Control Centre incorporates seven control rooms that deploy cutting edge applications and tools to monitor the workings of the logistics/postal network, service delivery and the integrity of digital communications with customers.

The Business Control Centre oversees an articulated multichannel infrastructure which guarantees the quality of Poste Italiane services and serves the public, business and local government in furthering the modernization and growth of the country.

The Business Control Centre is the new frontier for services targeted at business and local government: a generator of ideas that focuses the best of Poste Italiane's technological, professional, logistics and infrastructure resources to design and realize tailored enterprise solutions.

The Business Control Centre is a business accelerator: an environment in which firms can develop their activities, play an active part in the inexorable march towards the digitalized economy, use the latest, most advanced services and multiply their opportunities. In this increasingly digital world, where brick and mortar shops are being replaced by online stores and electronic and digital payments, the Business Control Centre is a point of reference and indispensable partner for any company that is looking to secure a new, effective, successful future.

The Business Control Centre is a showroom that is always open for dialogue and exchange where companies can experience firsthand the latest technological developments (IT Innovation Hub) and learn about the processes which enable product digitalization. A forum for discussion where Poste Italiane and its customers meet to promote, improve and create new services (Demo Room).