Through the Whistleblowing portal, anybody can submit substantiated reports, with the highest guarantee of confidentiality, regarding:
- illegal or suspicious conduct
- irregularities in company activities
- acts or facts that may represent a breach of internal of external rules governing the activities of Poste Italiane or of the principles and rules of conduct contained in the Code of Ethics, Integrated Policy of the Poste Italiane Group and the provisions of the 231 Model of Poste Italiane and its subsidiaries.
“Poste Italiane is an integral part of the country’s social and production fabric, probably we are unmatchable in Italy, in terms of size, recognizability, extensive presence and customer confidence.
Continuous search for quality service and transparency in relations with citizens, public entities and companies are an integral part of our mission for the country.
It is our firm determination to conduct relations with stakeholders with transparency and openness to dialogue, which is why we have also prepared this tool, for those who interface with us on a daily basis and who believe they find irregularities in our conduct, ensuring, through the portal, the absolute confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower and the content of the report, through the use of encryption protocols and tools”.
Chief Executive Officer
“With a view to increasing clarity towards citizens and institutions, also witnessed by the execution of the First Protocol of Legality with the Guardia di Finanza, in addition to already making public and accessible all information on the management of contracts and subcontracts awarded by the company, with the new Whistleblowing Portal, we attest our firmness in the fight against irregular conduct with the implementation of the most appropriate systems for the prevention of potential offences that may involve the company and its employees”.
General Manager
How to send a report
The importance of reporting
Poste Italiane fosters a culture of legality and provides communication channels to ensure the receipt and management of reports of illegal or allegedly illegal conduct.
Through the Whistleblowing Portal, you can report illegal or suspicious conduct, irregularities in business activity, acts or facts that may constitute a breach of the rules governing the activities of the Poste Italiane Group, of the principles and rules of conduct contained in the Code of Ethics of the Poste Italiane Group and in the provisions of the 231 Model of Poste Italiane and those adopted by its subsidiaries.
Each company of the Poste Italiane Group guarantees the absolute anonymity of the identity of the whistleblower and the content of the report, with secure protocols and encryption tools. The whistleblower’s identity is never revealed without the whistleblower’s consent, except insofar as permitted by applicable law.
Register with the Whistleblowing Portal and follow the procedure to submit your report to the relevant Company of the Poste Italiane Group.Reports must be made in good faith and shall be considered only if substantiated and founded on precise facts.
It is also useful to attach documents that may provide elements of evidence for the facts in the report.
Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023, the provisions do not apply to:
- disputes, claims or requests linked to a personal interest of the whistleblower;
- reports of breaches where already governed on a mandatory basis by European Union or national deeds;
- reports of breaches regarding national security, as well as contracts connected to defence matters or national security.
The portal assigns a unique identification code to each report submitted, which allows the whistleblower to check the processing status by accessing the portal. If necessary, you will be contacted to obtain clarification and/or further details on the reported facts.Documentation
- Guidelines Whistleblowing System
- Annex authorization to process personal data
- Poste Italiane - Informativa Privacy
- Address Software - Informativa Privacy
- Agile Lab - Informativa Privacy
- Bancopostafondi - Informativa Privacy
- Consorzio Logistica Pacchi - Informativa Privacy
- Consorzio Postemotori - Informativa Privacy
- Europa Gestioni Immobiliari - Informativa Privacy
- Kipoint - Informativa Privacy
- Lis Holding- Informativa Privacy
- Lis Pay - Informativa Privacy
- MLK - Informativa Privacy
- Net Insurance - Informativa Privacy
- Net Insurance Life - Informativa Privacy
- Nexive Network - Informativa Privacy
- Nexive Scarl - Informativa Privacy
- PatentiViaPoste - Informativa Privacy
- Plurima - Informativa Privacy
- Poste Air Cargo - Informativa Privacy
- Poste Assicura - Informativa Privacy
- Poste Insurance Broker - Informativa Privacy
- Poste Logistics - Informativa Privacy
- Poste Welfare Servizi - Informativa Privacy
- Poste Vita - Informativa Privacy
- PosteGo - Informativa Privacy
- Postel - Informativa Privacy
- PostePay - Informativa Privacy
- SDA - Informativa Privacy
- Sourcesense - Informativa Privacy
Send a report
Has someone attempted to ask you for personal information, financial data or access codes, through digital communication (e.g. e-mail, SMS, whatsapp messages, etc.) using the name of Poste Italiane fraudulently?
Send a report
Please note that the report can only be submitted in Italian language.
Send a report
Please note that the report can only be submitted in Italian language.
If you are an employee of the Poste Italiane Group and, on the basis of relations with the Bank of Italy, you should become aware of illegal conduct of employees of one of the Group Companies, in addition to reporting the facts to the Whistleblowing Committee for assessment of relevance for the Group Company (Whistleblowing Portal), you can also send a report to the Bank of Italy by accessing the website and the section About us/Transparency, ethics, prevention of corruption and personal data protection/page 'Whistleblowing external individuals: reportable conduct'.
Whilst the “internal channel” for reports remains the preferred channel, Italian Legislative Decree 24/2023 also establishes the option to submit external reports to the National Anti-corruption Authority (“external channel”). Access to the external reporting channel is permitted only under certain specific circumstances expressly indicated by the aforementioned Decree, which are:
Whilst the “internal channel” for reports remains the preferred channel, Italian Legislative Decree 24/2023 also establishes the option to submit external reports to the National Anti-corruption Authority (“external channel”). Access to the external reporting channel is permitted only under certain specific circumstances expressly indicated by the aforementioned Decree, which are:
- if the internal channel is not activated or, even if activated, is not compliant with legal requirements;
- if an internal report submitted has not been followed up;
- if there are well-founded reasons to believe that an internal report would not be effectively followed up or that the report could lead to the risk of retaliation;
- if there is a well-founded reason to believe that the breach may represent an imminent or clear threat to the public interest;
- in cases of retaliatory acts or conduct, even if only attempted or threatened, resulting from a report submitted.
Employees of the Company and anybody who has relations with it (e.g. customers, suppliers, shareholders, external personnel, consultants, interns, etc.)
No, the system does not allow anonymous whistleblowing. Each Poste Italiane Group Company guarantees confidentiality and security for the protection of personal data and processing of information through the adoption of secure protocols and the use of encryption tools for the content of reports and any attachments.
The whistleblower can access the portal at any time after sending the report to consult the processing status of the report.
Each Poste Italiane Group Company guarantees that the identity of the Whistleblower cannot be revealed without its express consent and that all parties involved in management of the Report are required to maintain confidentiality. Additionally, confidentiality and security in the protection of personal data and identity of the whistleblower is guaranteed by encryption of the data provided by the whistleblowers.
No. The identity of the whistleblower must always be revealed with his/her consent, except in the following cases:
- the Whistleblowing Report is made for the purpose of harming or otherwise prejudicing the Reported Person (so-called Whistleblowing in 'bad faith') and there is liability for libel or slander under the law;
- anonymity is not enforceable by law (e.g. criminal investigations, inspections by supervisory bodies, etc.);
- the Report reveals facts and/or circumstances such that, although outside the company sphere, they make it advisable and/or necessary to report to the Judicial Authorities (e.g. terrorism offences, espionage, attacks, etc., see Articles 333, 364, 709 of the Italian Criminal Code).
The Whistleblowing Committee of the Group Company involved in the report handles any investigation, seeking the support of the relevant departments on the basis of the subject of the report itself.
The report is taken on at the first useful meeting of the Whistleblowing Committee, which normally meets monthly.
Once the report has been sent, the following processing statuses can be displayed on the portal:
- sent: the report was acquired by the whistleblowing portal system;
- in progress: the activities of analysis, investigation and evaluation of the report are underway;
- request for clarifications: clarifications and/or further details on the reported facts necessary to continue the processing of the report are requested (via portal);
- redirected: the report, relating to complaints about Poste Italiane Group products/services, phishing and external fraud (not included in the breaches set out by the Whistleblowing Guidelines of Poste Italiane Group), was sent to the relevant company departments;
- rejected: the report cannot be processed, as it lacks the necessary elements to carry out the checks and verifications necessary to assess its validity and objectivity;
- closed: the activities of reception, preliminary analysis, investigation and evaluation of the report have been completed and the report is archived with a "well-founded" or "unfounded" outcome.