She began her professional career within the Ministry of Economy as an economic-financial expert at the Treasury Department.
She joined Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in 2002 as Head of Structured Finance, assuming various responsibilities over time: from 2004 Head of Debt Capital Markets and in 2011 Head of Corporate Finance (financing of works, plants and networks intended for public activity initiatives and investments in research, development, innovation, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, promotion of tourism, environment and energy efficiency, green economy).
She joined the Poste Italiane Group in September 2019 as Head of Sales of Financial Services for Businesses and Public Administration.
Since May 2020, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of PostePay Spa.
Since September 2024, she has been responsible for the Group's Sustainable Development function. She was a member of the Board of Directors of SACE BT and the European Energy Efficiency Fund.
Information regarding any shareholding can be found here. Please note, not all relevant person are in possession of share, or have made share transactions.