Poste Italiane Highlights at 31 December 2023
12 bn €
Total Revenues
2.6 bn €
Operating profit
1.9 bn €
Net profit
Thanks to its widespread presence throughout Italy, Poste Italiane has a central role in the country's socio-economic development, confirming its key importance in supporting the community and the territory, as stated in its purpose: "Grow responsibly thanks to the decisive contribution of its people to the sustainable success, innovation, digitisation and social cohesion of the country.
Poste Italiane has issued shares listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (Electronic Stock Exchange - MTA) organised and managed by Borsa Italiana SpA as of 27 October 2015. At 31 December 2023, the Company is 29.26% owned by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (MEF) and 35% owned by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA (CDP), also controlled by the MEF. The remaining shares are held by institutional and retail investors. A total of 33.9%2 of the shares held by institutional investors of Poste Italiane SpA belong to investors who follow ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) criteria in their investment choices.
Since May 2023, Silvia Maria Rovere is the Company’s Chairwoman. Since April 2017 Matteo Del Fante is Chief Executive Officer. Giuseppe Lasco was appointed General Manager in February 2024.
Poste Italiane constitutes the largest integrated, omnichannel service platform in Italy, covering sectors ranging from logistics, letter and parcel delivery, financial and insurance services, payment systems, telecommunications and energy.
Poste Italiane Group, which in 2023 generated turnover of €12 billion, has a significant impact on the country’s economy in terms of GDP, tax revenue, jobs and household income: in the period from 2018 to 2023, the total value of our direct, indirect and induced impacts on the Italian economy amounted to approximately €76 billion in terms of GDP, €44 billion in employment income and €13 billion in terms of tax revenue. Poste Italiane also contributed to the creation of an average of 187 thousand jobs between 2018 and 2023.
Poste Italiane today is a Group that has a mapped out a clear path of strategic development, built on solid foundations. The direction it plans to take has been outlined and specified in the new "2024-2028 Strategic Plan" presented to the market on 20 March 2024. The new Strategic Plan targets the continuation of the transformation of the logistics sector through the evolution of the model into one based on an omnichannel approach, through a service offer aimed at covering all stages of the customer's logistics chain. The focus will remain on offering products/services that keep pace with evolving market contexts and confirm the centrality of ostal avings in the oste taliane Group's offering.
In Financial Services by evolving our client segmentation allocating them to specialized financial advisors, we will be sure to better cover all our client needs by adapting the network to them rather than asking them to adapt to us.
In Insurance Services our focus is on keeping steady growth in the Life Investment & Pension business and leveraging increasing demand and low customer penetration in the Protection business.
Postepay Services has created an open payment ecosystem with payments at its core, adding home services such as fibre and energy and leveraging on Poste Italiane’s omnichannel platform.
The introduction of the Poste Italiane SuperApp, with the Digital payment wallet at its core, and the constant evolution of our digital properties will create more value for customers, allowing them to choose the preferred omnichannel experience and increase our profitability.
All of this focuses around the increasing relevance of our digital channels, which is a result of important tech investments made to create the truly omnichannel platform approach we have embraced and confirm the role of Poste Italiane as a 'Platform Company'.
In financial terms, Poste Italiane's revenues will grow to €13.5 billion by 2028 and EBIT will reach €3.2 billion, recording an annual growth rate of around 4%. Similarly, net profit will reach €2.3 billion in 2028.
Thanks to solid and sustainable cash and capital generation, we are upgrading and changing the approach in the dividend policy, committing to a payout ratio of at least 65% over the plan, targeting at least €1.0 DPS in 2026 and at least €6.5 billion cumulated dividends over the plan.
The Strategic Plan hinges on the Environmental, Social & Governance ( ESG) principles and responds to the challenges of sustainability by setting targets up to 2030, in terms of reducing the emissions of the Group and of the supply chain, augmented by socio-economic elements such as developing people's skills and enhancing resources to foster change, promoting the values of diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion, and catering for the expectations of all generations, including young workers.
At the heart of the strategy is the ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, in line with the goal of containing global warming to below 1 5 °C. To support this commitment, projects have been outlined in four macro-areas: logistics, real estate, culture of sustainability and sustainable finance, with initiatives concerning both the direct emissions generated by our facilities and the indirect emissions produced upstream and downstream by our suppliers and customers.
In 2023, the Group confirmed or improved its ratings of excellence in the main ESG ratings used by the main market players. In December 2023, Poste Italiane was ranked as the world's "Sector Leader" for sustainability in the insurance sector according to the S&P Global rating agency subsequently being included in the 2024 edition of the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, falling within the Top 1% of the S&P Global ESG score 2023, and confirming its presence for the fifth time in a row in the Dow Jones Sustainability index World and the more selective Dow Jones Sustainability index Europe. In addition, the Group was not only reconfirmed as a leader in the fight against climate change by CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), placed for the third consecutive year in the "Leadership" bracket of the international rankings with an A- rating, but was also ranked by Sustainalytics as a top ESG performer from a panel of more than 15,000 companies assessed globally, maintaining a Low ESG Risk Rating.These prestigious recognitions are followed by further confirmations in equally important indices, such as the Bloomberg Gender- Equality ndex (GEI ), Integrated Governance Index ( IGI ), FTS4GOOD, Euronext MIB ESG and Equileap Global Gender Equality in addition to several other indices of the Euronext Group. In addition, the Group also maintained its "AA" rating from MSCI , owing to the major progress it has made in the social sphere, improving its corporate sustainability performance and leadership in the sector.
Poste taliane, in 2023, has been awarded the prestigious latinum medal by EcoVadis, which assesses the sustainability of companies along the supply chain, further improving its position from last year's Gold medal by placing within the top 1% of companies assessed by the team of international experts. The Group is committed on a daily basis to finding innovative and sustainable solutions for our italian and international partners, in line with our corporate objectives, and will continue to work to be an increasingly representative point of reference for the country in the ESG domain. Finally, Poste Italiane obtained the UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification (a certificate provided for in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - NRRP), due to its ability to ensure gender equality in the workplace. Inclusive organisation and respect for gender equality create shared social value and foster a higher level of engagement with corporate objectives, generating a competitive advantage for the entire Group. The certification obtained actually represents another feather in the Company's cap, augmenting the other important recognitions already achieved by Poste Italiane in the area of inclusiveness, such as the Equal Salary certification, the Uni ISO 30415:2021 - Human resource management - Diversity and Inclusion certification, in addition to the Top Employers certification confirmed for the fifth consecutive year.
We are fully satisfied with the results we have achieved; the high level of professionalism, determination and ambition which are our hallmark, has helped us take important steps along the path of development.
We will strive to ensure that our Company continues to be a reference point in the community in which we operate because trust and reputation are fundamental values on which to base a solid future for the benefit of all stakeholders.
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